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Posts posted by Jabreal53hcase

  1. Well, as far as I have seen from all the prices and different places that have different set of promotional prices, etc. most of them are more or less the same as the pricing regarding the Microsoft OS is already fix and the prices cannot go lower than stated. And based on my experience, as I did a lot of research before purchasing my current OS, the student package is indeed the cheapest you can get.

  2. I have to say that I seriously don’t understand why apple’s products don’t support Java and Flash. These two platforms are one of the best in the computer world. And apple chooses not to use them. I have gotten myself an android because of this. It had reduced its fun dramatically and the convenient of using your iPad to do anything you desire is limited. Limited is always equal to less fun, and being less productive.

  3. I think mine is working pretty well, but it seems like there is nothing much to compliment about although it is new, but I don’t get the idea why am I not excited about it. I guess there need to add more stuff into it so that people like me would be more passionate about their products. Everything’s good, the channel, video categories, etc. I enjoy watching it, but I guess I am expecting a little too much.

  4. Well, I guess this is going to be working quite well as a matter of fact, this technology has just emerge to the surface and I think there shouldn’t be anything wrong with it. But new technology isn’t something that you guys want to get in the first place; they will need some people to use it and to give them feedback to let them know how their products are doing actually. I recommend you to get it after some time. But I don’t think there would be any problem wrong with it.

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