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  1. Today
  2. To do something different for Guy Fawkes night (and as distraction from other events today), This: Here : https://www.beltiblibrary.org/plan-your-visit/makerspace https://www.beltiblibrary.org/plan-your-visit/makerspace/digital-fabrication-station Producing Because
  3. Yesterday
  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has that opinion. Mine received new drivers and pads at an official Koss center about 6 or 7 years ago. Their "ergonomics" are exactly as you describe... it's like having a vice clamped on your head. I've never been able to spend much time with them on. PD sorry offtopic
  5. I also bought a pair of ESP6's again back in the day. Sound quality was great, but each cup had an energizing transformer in it. So the weight was again head crushing. I got rid of those at some point. But a rush of similar blood, I bought a pair of ESP9's. Tarry goop in the cups etc. But at least they come with an external energizer, so the weight is manageable. Sound quality is great. Still not at the heights of my two Stax systems, but pleasing non the less.
  6. Those were my first headphones, bought new in 1974. I got rid of them at some stage. But during a rush of blood to the head, I bought a pair from eBay for not much. The fluid filled earcups were as hard as biscuit, and the foam damping in the cup has turned to tar. Lots of clean up and fabric/foam pads later, I suddenly remembered how god awful uncomfortable they were/are. You head feels as if it being crushed in a vice, and the top of your head is almost bruised by the weight. I would not have cared so much if the SQ was great. But it isn't either. How Koss sold these things defeats me. Koss remanufactured them for a while, but seems that they have stopped.
  7. I’m with Kevin on this, Koss Pro4a
  8. Could be an ESP-7 too as they used the same shells/headband but I'm not sure if the cable on those was ever coiled.
  9. And that, gentle folks, is precisely why I invested in a lid for my deck. Our monster 5.4kg cat could have endless fun precisely as above!
  10. Very, Very, very belated Happy Birthday! 😞
  11. Because reasons: Sinatra At The Sands by Frank Sinatra (1966) https://album.link/i/1440842924 Example: And words for Mr. Jones RIP
  12. Last week
  13. Who can identify the cans in Quincy's home studio, circa 1974? Not I, by the way... RIP to the legend with a legendary name, Quincy Delight Jones, Jr.
  14. I put this image in my Slow Forum folder last June and I haven't the foggiest idea as to why.
  15. I was surprised recently to find that the average pooch can recognise over 150 human words. It has the vocabulary of a toddler. Police and search and rescue dogs get up to 250 words and up. A record breaking border terrier got up to over 1000 recognized words. Cats on the other hand rely on their chimp to recognise what their vocabulary of meows, chirps and grunts mean. Basically feed me, cuddle me, play with me. Then once those options are exhausted, sleep for 18 hours a day.
  16. It hit the UK news within hours. A year's rain in 8 hours; absolutely nothing can prepare a population for that, even if forecast.
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