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Posts posted by verber

  1. To my ears, the 007 is a more neutral tonally, but the 009 pulls me in to the music and makes me pay attention. If the music is background, I would prefer the 007, but if I am listening, I prefer the 009.

    There are at least two camps on this. Some of us are more sensitive to treble harshness (real or perceived, I have no idea) and prefer the 007MK1. Others are not and prefer the 009. I find the same dichotomy in dynamics with the HD800 vs. LCD2 debate. Those who are sensitive to treble tend to gravitate twoards the LCDs, while those who aren't often prefer the HD8s.

    I have observed the same thing in general, though to my ears, the LCD aren't in the same league as the 007 while the HD800 is in the same league as the 009, though bested in almost every way by the 009. There is also the "minor" issue of comfort. For me, the the LCD are as heavy on my head as they sound to my ears.


  2. Then why did you still post?

    Because I am a dumb newbe who doesn't hit the brake when he sees a drop off in from of him... and because some people define portable as anything they can carry.

    Dusty Chalk I don't suppose you know who the ambient noise level of your server is and how loud you would like the music to be ? I ask because years ago I was in a somewhat similar situation, though I suspect my server produced more noise... back in the area of Vaxen and SGI (1993). In my workplace I found that even if I could get the music loud enough without distortion it was too loud for my taste. I eventually picked up a pair of ER4s to cut the background noise. I prefer speakers, but sometimes headphones are the answer.


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