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Everything posted by greymarine

  1. shut the fuck up you nothing nobody. you know nobody and you are nobody. but yeah go ahead and get JH to post here if you can. dumb deluded loser bitch.
  2. shut the fuck up you little bitch.
  3. beats made $3 billion. what does that tell you about the relevance of you losers? go eat a dick you nerd losers.
  4. I edited my post to explain why you're all nobodies and nothings. look at any video of a headfi meet. literally the most loserish group of people ever put together in a room. nobody reads these boards filled with entitled douchebags with no money and 40 headphones. that's the reality. you can post 1,000 times about how jerry harvey makes bad products and he will still sell a ton because he's a genius and you don't matter. assholes.
  5. nobody gives a fuck what some loser nerd says about Jerry Harvey on a bulletin board. fuck you. his stuff is sold out everywhere and you're a nobody. I bet jerry harvey hates the headphone bulletin board community. it's a bunch of students and people with no money who think that because they spent their monthly salary on a headphone they're entitled to be treated like millionares. they constantly demand warranty service for every little thing and it probably eats into his entire profit margin. then they're like, "oh well if you don't do what I say I'm gonna go on the internet and tell them your product sucks." like any normal person reads boards like this or head-fi. i saw a video of a headfi meeting and it was the weirdest looking people ever put together in a room. complete losers. that's what you are you little bitch. jerry harvey is a musical genius who makes headphones for the stars. so shut your mouth and knwo your role in this world.
  6. big perq for Italians and arabs
  7. is the next one going to have 18 drivers?
  8. So The roxanne universals are big but they look bad ass. like a secret service agent ear piece. I'm going to wear them with black sunglasses. https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/t1/1507949_438384706293102_1867056106_n.jpg Douchebags in the head-fi roxanne thread are complaining that the universals are ugly. I LMFAO when one them posted a pic showing off his customs when he's bald and has skin ravaged with acne. http://www.head-fi.org/t/684396/new-jh-audio-flagship-siren-series-roxanne/5460 Mine are coming in 7-10 days. Waiting to restock. Anyone else get one?
  9. I figured it out. I shane diesel'd a Bic pen's top into the hole of my westone 4's comply tips and it eventually went it. moderator delete my account thanks.
  10. ok. can you delete my account moderator? I don't have use for it anymore and don't want to remember another password.
  11. why? I would ask another forum but they make you wait to post. I want to buy it tonight. I think you can shane diesel roxanne univerals into normal sized tips. just want to be sure.
  12. One more question. Does anyone know when Jerry Harvey will make the successor to the Roxanne? He makes a new headphone every year? I wonder if I should wait for that.
  13. Are there Roxanne Universal owners here? Can you comment on review below at moon-audio claiming regular tips fit on the Roxanne? I thought Roxanne needed wide hole tips. http://www.moon-audio.com/review/product/list/id/981/#customer-reviews I want to buy universals and I'm not worried about them falling out. That's impossible if you hook the memory wire around the top of your ear. I think people not getting a secure fit do not know how to use universal memory wire. I also like how the universals protrude from the ear and show off the fact that they have twelve drivers. My only worry is getting the right tip.
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