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Posts posted by numbercube

  1. Nope, but on high bias, any dust in the drivers makes a great deal more noise. If you don't mind taking the drivers apart, you could clean the stators with sticky tape and very carefully blow any dust on the membrane off.

    Thanks for the replies :)

    I have now let the lambda pro plugged in for a couple of hours, which helped a lot about the crackling. Then I opened the frames and discovered gaffa tape around the connectors which touched the stator. There is a resistor soldered to the connectors on each side, too. There wasn't really much dirt, I just removed the gaffa tape. 

    There is still light crackling and squeaking but that may be related to my head and ears moving and touching the inside of the cups.

  2. Got a Stax Lambda Pro and the drivers are crackling and squeaking from pro outputs... while everything's fine when they're driven by normal bias outputs. Apparently they have been in use with a SRD6 for years. Could that have harmed the Lambda Pros?

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