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Posts posted by Nugen

  1. O.M.G. What a rabbit hole. I tried to write an explanation of the physics of flight except I couldn't find an allowable word for weight. Any suggestions?"You can make a car fly by having arms longer on top than under. By moving forward the air over the arms goes far and under the arm goes less and becomes thicker. That means the air under pushes hard up as the car goes fast. If the car goes fast enough, the push is bigger than the weight of the car and it flies."

    I've just watched you on YouTube, your hi fi m8 video!

    I guess it's a small world but I really enjoyed your video and have this amp/DAC on my list second to the Nuforce Icon.

    Im definitely going to watch your HD800 video, even though I have it!

  2. At first I found that my Marantz 2240 vintage receiver made the HD800 sound warm and inviting with very punchy bass, but as stated here it kills what's special about the HD800 (you lose detail, soundstage, and speed).


    Are you looking at vintage for the synergy with HD800 or for the lower price?  It's possible to have both.


    Far better for HD800, on a tight budget, is the Nuforce Icon DAC which adds warmth and impact to the HD800 without killing all the detail and soundstage (at least for a budget amp). This is the one that does DSD with a computer USB, and works with Android devices via USB.  The built-in amp is pretty good vs other DAC/amps in the $300 price range, and the DAC is is nothing to sneeze at.  It sounds like a device costing twice as much.  As a matter of fact, it's synergy with HD800 is much better than with my CEntrance DACmini, which makes my HD800 more fatiguing and cold sounding.


    A HiFiMan EF2 is even cheaper but pairs fairly well with HD800 for a warm romantic euphonic sound, although with less power. But it's DAC is not good enough to show what HD800 can do, and it needs to be paired with a much better DAC.

    Having both is ideal, absolutely!

    Thank you so much, the Nuforce Icon is now top of my "maybe" list, so for sure I've got some great options from you guys!

  3. Thanks for the recs guys.

    I think I've found a device that may drive and give the warmth too, it a centrance hi-fi m8.

    Reviews I've read so far claim it's powerful enough to drive my HD800's and has a bass boost function, so sounds promising and may go on my maybe list.

    And it's kind of all I can afford right now.

  4. I have tried the HD800's when I had then with old vintage amplifiers, few Sansui, Marantz and Kenwood they made the HD800's to closed in and romantic sounding (too warm) and took too much of the HD800's good traits away (clarity and detail).

    I think you've answered my query.

    Romantic and warm sounding is a good way of describing what kind of signature I'm definitely looking for.

    I've heard of Kenwood for sure, but not the other brands you mention, so I guess that's the brand for me to vintage for.

    Thank you.

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