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Posts posted by ScotchWatch

  1. It seems like I've offended a couple of you all. Please know that was not my intention and I apologize that my initial post didn't follow Head Case etiquette. I feel badly that I started off that way. I'm of course happy to address the questions you all have raised, but of course if you're still uncomfortable with this request for any reason I'll try and figure out another way to gather the data I'm looking for.

    -Why's the link a .com instead of an .edu? The business school students at UCLA Anderson School of Management have accounts with a survey/data analytics company called Qualtrics, you can read about them here if you'd like: https://www.qualtrics.com/about/

    -Who are you actually doing product research for? I'm in a class called Sales & Channel Management. The assignment was to pick an industry you're interested and analyze consumer buying behavior. I love hi-fi audio, but am really just beginning my learning (if that wasn't already very obvious... ha), so I'm hoping to understand what factors people who know what they're talking about use to evaluate headphones for the paper and for my own benefit.

    -@Wink, your Scotch questions: A: Macallan 18, B: Oban 10, C: Bank Note 5, D-N: Johnnie Walker Red

    -@Ausberger, your concerns about professionalism: Again, my apologies. Since this survey is for my own academic purposes and not for a client/Board, etc. I figured it was alright to make the request in a more informal manner.

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  2. Hey all. I'm a grad student at UCLA trying to gather anonymous data from the group of people who really know what they're talking about (you all) when it comes to headphones for a class project. In return I'll be able to share with the Head Case community some really interesting insights about everything from features to preferred brands. If you can take 5 minutes to help me out, I'll be eternally grateful and I'll send out the results when it's all done - check out the questions here:  http://ucla.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0k3nRTJjJtflEiN


    Thank you thank you thank you!!!

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