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Posts posted by morsel

  1. Hypocritical double standards of censorship are still alive and well at Head-Fi. Since erix is allowed to post vile doggerel attacking PPL, Tangent, & me, and rickcr42 is allowed to post about copper ore, not to mention abusing anyone he pleases for the past year, it seemed quite reasonable for me to post this already censored bit of classic verse:

    Let the joyous news be spread,

    The Wicked old Witch at last is dead!

    Ding Dong, the Witch is dead!

    Which old witch? The Wicked Witch!

    Ding Dong, the Wicked Witch is dead!

    Wake up, you sleepy head,

    Rub your eyes, get out of bed,

    Wake up, the Wicked Witch is dead!

    She's gone where the goblins go,

    Below, below, below, yo-ho,

    Let's open up and sing, and ring the bells out,

    Ding Dong, the merry-oh,

    Sing it high, sing it low,

    Let them know the Wicked Witch is dead!

    edit: I just discovered email from Jude (stuck in my spam filter - it's a new address) saying Rick left voluntarily. To be fair, it is not unreasonable that Jude deleted my thread, and erix' thread dates from a time when Jude probably did not read the DIY forum. It is hard to suppress exuberance when a hated tyrant steps aside. I will apologize to Jude.

  2. Head-Fi DIY Exodus

    ex?o?dus (ĕk'sə-dəs) n. a journey by a large group to escape from a hostile environment

    (July 2005) Readers of Head-Fi DIY may have noticed that some of the regular members have been quiet for the past few months, and some have disappeared altogether. A growing conflict of interest between some members and management at Head-Fi centers around the following issues:

    • Head-Fi management is largely unaware of what goes on in the Head-Fi DIY forum
    • Head-Fi is driven by commercial interests, site traffic, and the need for sponsor contributions, not the well being of DIY forum members
    • some community service volunteers are labeled "Member of the Trade", forcing them to comply with the same speech restrictions imposed upon commercial manufacturers
    • DIY group buys are banned indefinitely, although the Terms of Use suggests they may be arranged with moderator approval
    • some longtime members are banned, others quit or remain silent
    • moderator abuse of power during May and June 2005:
      • hypocritical double standards
      • flaunting forum rules
      • thread crapping
      • use of expletives
      • abuse of other members
      • appalling negative attitude
      • systematic suppression of differing opinions
      • sanitizing posts after the fact to destroy evidence of abuse
      • rampant deletion of critical or questioning posts creates an atmosphere of oppression
      • projects for the masses are disparaged, only one-off projects are acceptable
      • discussing the nature of DIY is forbidden
      • members fear post deletion or banning for contradicting moderators or discussing controversial topics

      [*]community service designers need a level of free speech, benign moderation, and protection from commercial interests not available at Head-Fi DIY

    (August 2005) Weeks of negotiations with Head-Fi management via phone and email resulted in a greater understanding and appreciation of the situation and a quieter and calmer forum, but did not resolve the intrinsic conflict of interest.

    We were originally given a personal guarantee that we would be allowed to say goodbye to our community on Head-Fi DIY without fear of banning or post deletion should we choose to depart, but a recent conversation implies this promise has been recinded. Head-Fi will ban anyone using Head-Fi resources, posts, PMs, or email relay services to divert Head-Fi traffic. Insulting Head-Fi management on a public web site may result in banning and achieves nothing. We are grown men and women, engineers and college professors, not children or citizens of a military dictatorship. We choose to walk away from abuse, censorship, oppression, and violation of our trust. We do not wish to incur the wrath of Head-Fi management, nor do we intend to abandon Head-Fi completely. We just need a safe place to work on community service projects in peace, and hope this explanation does not offend the powers that be.

    Headwize DIY is the obvious choice for our new home. Kevin Gilmore has graciously provided a server with plenty of bandwidth and storage. Chu Moy has been working tirelessly to improve Headwize forum software with new features to make it more usable for community service projects, including the ability to upload 4 200kb attachments per post.

    In other good news, aos will be rejoining us on Headwize!


    morsel ? amb ? kevin gilmore ? stadams ? SnoopyRocks ? n_maher ? drewd ? jamont ? dgardner ? tangent ? peranders ? digi01 ? ppl

    (October, 2005) DIY Group Buy Discussion is opened and closed. dgardner replys:


    This is one of the most intellectually logical, yet emotionally and spritually digusting, threads I have ever read on any forum.

    The era of innocent fun and simple sharing is officially dead. What creative and generous person would EVER engage in a not-for-profit PCB design project on this site in the future? Not me. Free layouts & Group Buy PCBs are the backbone of the fun this site. Few things generate as much excitment and trafffic. You guys seem to conveniently forget this. This leaves no room for me. I do not want to start a business. I do not want to tack advertising dollars onto something I was trying to do for FREE. I am a paid contributor. There is no way to extend my generousity into the future and do new projects without leaving. Frankly, that sucks.

    Rules. Profits. Control. Moderators. Power. Distrust. Dishonesty. Politics. Advertising. Big Egos. This is all I see.

    This is what happens when a good DIY bbs gets too big for it's own britches. Who in the world wants to logon to this mindbending stuff everyday.

    M? support on Head-Fi is moved to Headwize.

    The Gang of Thirteen disbands after making Headwize the focus for future DIY activities.

    (February, 2006) Headcase forums are started in secret.

    (March, 2006) rickcr42 is stripped of moderator powers at Head-Fi.


    Now what? The DIYers have already resettled at Headwize. Do you want us to move to Headcase, do you want to move to Headwize, do you want Head-Fi to reform enough for all of us to return, or are we to remain separated? Many people will not want to deal with multiple forums on a daily basis.

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