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Posts posted by Takashi

  1. Hmmm Thanks for all the great advice headphone addict and other. I do believe i will recable with the apsv3 sometime down the road, but not anytime soon. What I want to do first is lathe some wooden caps for the d2000's. Any suggestion on the wood I should use and/or a description of the sound?

  2. I haven't even heard them yet, as they (FINALLY) come on monday. I am not set on recabling, however I am set on getting the best sound I can get. I would like to hear opinions on the effects recabling with the apsv3 has on sound. If I like these changes, eventually down the line I will certainly recable them ( A recables woodied d2000 is said to have equal if not better sound then the stock d5000 ).

    I understand it is all about how it sounds to me, and that's why I am asking what effects the apsv3 cables have :).


  3. Too late for critisism on these cans, they are coming monday, and from the extensive research i've done I think they are the perfect cans for me. I listen to a lot of downtempo/ambient/trance/Piano/and bass heavy music. The d2000 are said to have much more "color" and "life" for such musics, which is why I choose them.

    Also I will be using them at work (I work 8 hours a day around computers) so as not to disturb other people. If I do start listening to more conventional music, I have heard good things about the Markl mod, which tightens the bass and clarifies the midrange (So i've heard). However I believe the sound that will come out of these things will be quiet content. Now I had another 2 question:

    Firstly, I own a lathe and have been doing woodwork for quiet a few years (i'm Eighteen). I was planning on building my own custom caps for these, as wood caps have been said to really improve the sound on the plastic ones, and look cool too :). I was wondering if you guys had any suggestion on wood and/or the actual turning process any advice would be great. :)

    Secondly, i've been looking at the APSv3 cables (APuresound) which would eventually become my recabling option. Any people who have heard the APSv3 on the denon, i'd really like to hear what changes you hear, particularly in terms of bass.

    Thanks for your help and further advice.

  4. A few days ago I decided to take the step up to much higher quality Audio. After researching my choices for around 200-300 dollar headphones for about 8 hours I ended up buying the Denon AH-D2000's for about $210 on amazon. My first step into high end audio was the Shure SE530 in ears which were nice, but i ran them over with my rolly chair and broke them :palm::palm:

    Since then i've had the bose triport headphones and the bose in ear headphones, which have been adequate but very disappointing in terms of bass. I am a basshead so I believe I will thoroughly enjoy the heavy bass of these ahd2k cans.

    Anyway, when these Denons come sometime this week I would be glad to give my perception of them from a rather unexperienced audiophile, hopefully that will be of some help. Also initally I will be driving them from my macbook pro, but I defintely am looking into getting an amp as well. Any suggestions for a good cheap amp would be nice.

    After reading a rather lengthy article here on headcase about headphones amps it seems that the Nuforce headphone amp looks like it has good synergy with the AH-D2000. I'm looking forward to your guys opinions and to progress my way through the audiophile world :)

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