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Posts posted by Eric5676

  1. Here's how I feel about DACs. You listen to a bunch of them in your system if possible. Then one comes along and it just sounds right, regardless of MSRP. That's the one you stick with. My PWD just sounds right to me. I don't know anything about how much "air" or "timbre" or any of that shit it has, but I know that right now my rig sounds good with the PWD in it. The only thing I regret is how much I spent, but that's just part of the hobby.

    After the SQ criterion is fulfilled, I personally like features like multiple inputs, digital screens, beautiful beautiful lights, etc. The PWD satisfies that.

    But for the most part, I now think that a DAC should be set and forget.

    I'm not sure how any of this helps.

    ^^ I like this. And again, it means a lot coming from someone like yourself that I know has gone through a LOT of gear firsthand trying to find that thing that's "just right" for you. :)

  2. Yep, it's called audiophilia nervosa. It's a terrible disease in which the sufferer always thinks the sound is better on the other side of the fence, and it's rampant. However without it, there wouldn't be any high end audio as it wouldn't be economically feasible if most listeners didn't regularly turn over their gear.

    It is. I confess I might have a little bit of it myself but I tend to temper it with some pretty outrageous fence sitting and even some buyer's guilt that I can feel BEFORE actually buying something.

    It gets interesting.

  3. I'm a lightweight.

    I drink a couple of cups in the morning of Folger's Black Silk with a little Milk and a pack of Equal per cup. I'm not sure I could say this is coffee is "mild" with a straight face although it may as well be water vs. Espresson and stuff like that.

    This is pretty much the only caffeine I take. Rest of the day it's juice and water. Soda I rarely drink.

    Since you can always control how much you use, I'd just pick a leading brand and see which flavor description suits you and go from there.

  4. Can't you substitute pretty much any DAC or Amp with the PWD in the sentence above and have the rest be true? What I mean is, it seems there are always some owners who are chasing the next upgrade or best sound and then some owners who remain content, regardless of what gear it is.

    All too true.

    I think this may be the more important question. I'm not trying to be being an asshole, just saying. Cheers.

    You're probably right. Throw out the first part of my previous post. :)

  5. So PWD owners: How are you doing these days? Are you all still happy with your units? If you had to do it over again, would you? Why or why not?

    The reason I'm asking is because in my information overload runs I've seen some interesting mixed feedback where some owners end up putting their units up on Audiogon and move on to "better things" while of course others continue to be very satisfied.

  6. If you _really_ care about that, you can use internal PCB traces, epoxies that prevent disassembling or chip identification, etc. Then it takes an X-ray machine and some serious work to reverse engineer a product. Plus, a lot of advanced features like audio DSP are a software thing.

    But anyone shopping boutique audio shouldn't expect the BOM (bill of materials) + labor costs to be that closely tied to the MSRP. Somewhat similarly to how software pricing isn't based on reproduction costs. Small volume, R&D, the psychological and marketing aspects of higher or differing price points, customer support, and business growth goals all factor into the end MSRP. (I mention this in general, and not specifically with respect to Antelope Audio.)

    ^^ Great post. Thanks for the information. :)

    Antelope Zodiac + Arrived | Computer Audiophile Some folks are starting to tinker and put out some new impressions at last. Someone here is putting out numbers as it relates to the XLRs on the Zodiac Plus.

    review33.com - ????

    Some pictures and odds and ends. Slowly but surely data and firsthand accounts are starting to trickle out.

  7. It was straightforward indeed, just plug and play and since all the connectors are different, it's pretty much impossible to screw up. The Antec 300 case was very easy to work with plenty of space to put everything so I didn't encounter any trouble. One thing I might change though is the stock top and rear fans which are controlled by Low-Medium-High manual switches, I'd prefer something I can plug on the motherboard.

    I've been playing some Mass Effect 2 and Half-Life 2 (old I know, but my laptop couldn't handle it) and it's definitely a lot of fun to be able to play recent games with graphics at high. I'll be buying SC2 this week, it's a good thing I'm not too busy this month. :P

    I'm forever spoiled by PC gaming myself. I do have a PS3 that I use for the occasional odds and ends like a Red Dead Redemption, which I sorely hope Rockstar reconsiders and brings to the PC down the road, but otherwise it's all PC for me.

  8. I want to see pictures of the insides first. I use OCXO's all the time, they are a $500 part. At least the good

    ones are that much. I don't see how you can put a $500 part inside a $3500 retail priced unit.

    Poorly done non PID temperature control would be just as bad as no temperature control whatsoever.

    Still, kind of silly as the only thing it does is stabilize at a specific frequency, and unless the thing is actually

    powered on all the time, it would do more harm than good. TCXO's are a much better idea, and cheaper

    and stabilize quicker. Analog volume control is definitely the right way to do this.

    Maybe I have the wrong attitude about this but ideally I believe in an "open box" policy. What I mean by that is: Regardless of manufacterer, small or large, at some point during a review process there should be interior shots of the equipment provided.

    That way folks that are well informed on hardware like yourself or any number of folks around here (can't include myself) could look at those interior shots and swim right past any flowery marketing to the truth: Is it a $<$1000 piece of gear masquerading as a $3500 one or is it the real deal?

    Unfortunately I know the very first downside to my concept is: You leave yourself wide open to con artists who will rip your designs off and turn around and sell eerily similar equipment 8-12 months later with an appreciable markup. Why does that sound familiar to me?

  9. what is the scrap metal supposed to do?

    Waaaaaaay at the bottom of that phone book is this: DakiOm - The Power of True Sound - Audio Accessories For Improving The Sound Quality of Audio Systems. Discover Dakiom Feedback Stabilizers!

    Some DIY amp kit or something? Beats me. Some sound stabilizer thing.

    You know you're in trouble when you see something like this:

    DakiOm is the only means to discover your personal, inherent musicality.

    Only. And so on.

  10. no kidding.

    what is the dakiom guy actually selling?

    Maybe the stuff he's smoking?

    Some $79 piece of scrap metal that no one in their right mind would buy and he knows it deep down in his heart.

    TLDR :)

    It's worth it for a laugh. Take it in pieces and skim it. This has to be the most crazy rant of a "sale" I've ever seen.

    How many times does the word "stupid" of a variant thereof show in this mess? In all CAPS of course, because he's really angry and upset and he wants us to feel his angst.

    The more I look this thing over the more I laugh. I might preserve it before Audigon takes it down.

    I probably shouldn't laugh. This is the kind of person that might go out and go postal or something with this kind of meltdown.

  11. Searched this forum, didn't see it before. I tried a couple of Mr. Kim Dao's adapters years ago, as part of a discount-for-review program when he first went into business.

    They didn't do well in my system, he thought it was a mismatch with my modded CD player. Still, he posted the review, hats off to him.

    Over the years, I've seen his diatribe grow. But methinks he may have gone over the edge now. Read if you can....

    Dakiom MA203 &diy5, proven For Sale | AudiogoN

    Um...I realize I'm probably not the most experienced person in sales of all time but: Does he really think that's going to make people want to buy something from him?

    Not seeing it. Hell, that's downright disturbing. Audiogon ought to shut that mess down.

  12. It's okay...not even as good as my go-vibe. I expected more - even from this small desktop amp. The volume pot feels pretty cheap and has a light feel. I had the volume at about 2:00 to get as much gain as my Peachtree Decco provides at 8:00 (HD600s). One thing I do like is that it seems to be good for low-volume listening.

    This is just my initial opinion after about 15 minutes of use.

    Not the most awe inspiring early first impressions of a product I've ever seen. Hope it ends up working out for you better than this would seem to indicate.

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