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Hey Jahn.....how do you like my baby?!


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Ooh, Alvarez, nice! Looks like a solid spruce top too! I see you got the cutaway in case you want to start shredding, hehe. That axe should be just fine to learn all your chops on - you probably don't need to move to a bigger axe until, say, 5 years from now when everything is on automatic for you and you'd like to test yourself on a Martin or Taylor, etc. Congrats, she's a beaut!

Edit - just noticed the pickup controls on the side. Ah, so you're going to gig out with this baby? it looks like it's a Jumbo, so it should produce enough air on its own in a coffeehouse setting anyhow (and Jumbos are usually Maple which also helps with projection) But it never hurts to amp up for the fingerpicking stuff.

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Yep, I figured an amp would come somewhere down the line. Still miles to go though. Fingertips look like they've got a bad case of crotch rot at the moment. Heck, I can't even feel the keyboard to type well! Time and patience.....time and patience.

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if your fingers are getting shredded, you're doing something right! just make sure not to play so much that you rip through what's growing down there that you need to keep - the developing permanent calluses. tip - start to bleed? gone too far. :police:

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if your fingers are getting shredded, you're doing something right! just make sure not to play so much that you rip through what's growing down there that you need to keep - the developing permanent calluses. tip - start to bleed? gone too far. :police:

Nope. No bleeding. Just tiny roundish, callous like pads on the tips of my first three fingers. None on the pinky so far.

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Btw, on a non-related issue, you did hear about Zidanes reason for throwing that headbutt didn't you? Seems Materazzi insulted his mom and sister thereby provoking that outburst. Of course, Materazzi denies making such statements. Not sure who to believe.......but since Materazzis mom died when he was a teen and the mere talk about mothers chokes him up, it does seem like Zidanes explanation rings hollow. Since my wife lost her mother, the topic tends to have that same effect on her. Methinks the big Z just went with what sounded good.

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Jahn...just heard your mp3 linked from the Headroom contest thread. Nice man! I can only dream about playing like that someday!

thanks - you can tell it was rushed and raw, since i had 10 min to lay the whole thing down before the wife came home from her dogwalk. why can't i just play in peace, woman?? >:(

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thanks - you can tell it was rushed and raw, since i had 10 min to lay the whole thing down before the wife came home from her dogwalk. why can't i just play in peace, woman?? >:(

Hope I can play half that well before arthritis sets in! :laugh:

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