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Posts posted by GlendaleViper

  1. It's kind of weird that the discussion went this way... shouldn't we physical media types be rallying together against the onslaught of "shimmering mp3" users?

    Here's my take on it: Most people listen to their brickwalled recordings via compressed to hell rips, through underamplified earphones that suck in the first place, at obscene volume. As far as I'm concerned, that's about 5 bad types of distortion too many. But when these fuckers all go deaf, our niche market will be the ONLY market, and we'll be debating the benefits of vinyl vs. CD while surrounded by people younger than us using some kind of virtual closed captioning machine just to figure out what the guy next to him said.

    And besides, we all know what the superior format REALLY is, right?


  2. Awww, was that in a thread? I got the PM. I had registered here a couple of years ago, actually, but left it dormant too long to recover. Grawk was good enough to let me have my name back.

    As for CJ09... it's lookin' like a no-dice scenario this year, unfortunately. I do not intend for Florida to be my last though, rest assured!

  3. I guess a seperate post is unnecessary here, but just take a look at the most entertaining teams in hockey right now: Washington and Montreal. The "new" NHL is custom-made for young firecrackers and once the dinosaurs in the back rooms start to catch on, we're going to see the kind of edge-of-your-seat hockey that hasn't been around since the mid-80s.

    I have tremendous respect for "underdogs" that recognize the importance of a quality recruiting staff, and if you consider the amount of holy-shit moments the Caps and Habs have given us over the last few years... well, it just makes me yearn that much more for a good team to root for.

  4. The way to get a good team is to build one through the draft. The leafs have spent years trading their picks away and signing stupid contracts. They got what they deserved. That's what happens when you have a retirement fund manage a hockey team by committee.

    You couldn't get that more right. We came close to a well-built team this year - at least they took some risks that made SOME sense, but I want to see a complete overhaul - including coaching staff and management on this god damned team. Outside of Kaberle (on the block), White and Stajan, and MAYBE Kubina, I can't think of a single player right now that I want to see remain.

    As for the Leafs' fans "deserving" a quality franchise, I'd like to side with you, GPH, but I can't say I totally agree. We have the devoted fanbase, there's no question of that, but take a look at how Montreal is run as a CLUB compared to Toronto and tell me you aren't just a little bit disgusted. The fans deserve better than what we have now, and that starts with not opening your wallet to the MLSE.

  5. That still ain't saying much. I can't slag the guy too hard though - if it weren't for him being from my hometown, I wouldn't have been able to say I've kissed the cup.

    Hey, I've kissed the cup! It tastes like a delicious nickel.

  6. I'm a Leafs fan (and secret Habs fan... shhh!), so I have nothing good to add. >:(

    BUT - did anyone catch a breeze coming out of Texas yesterday? I swear it sounded like an entire franchise breathing a sigh of relief. Congratulations, Rangers, you have further confirmed your stupidity.


  7. They do the same thing in Canada with tobacco products. Government raises the taxes (usually whole dollars at a time), smokers go more broke. It's a cash grab and a transparent one at that.

    I won't complain - the way I see it, I'm helping alleviate the drain on our (FREE) healthcare system by paying taxes through the teeth for the very product that clogs our terminal care wards. I just wish they were more honest about the whole thing. The day a bureaucrat ACTUALLY cares about the well-being of the public is the day I eat a bag of glass and shit a crystal brick.

    Civil rights are not the same as individual rights.

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