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Posts posted by cotdt

  1. hehe... I guess we all figured out how that turned out. I'd love to put the Apache up against a beta 22

    i have. long story short i don't think any SS amp can beat the Beta22 (as far as my own tastes go), but the Apache does offer the RSA house sound just like the SR71 portable amp. it has a thick, palpable midrange that can be pleasing depending on the music.

  2. On the other hand, though, it seems as though one has to price high enough in this hobby that people think you're selling a quality product. Over at head-fi, at least, I've gotten the impression that some folks genuinely like buying expensive products.

    Ha ha! That's very funny, but very true.

  3. M^3 is warmer. the Dynahi and Beta22 are even warmer. the CK2III is also a very good amp and very easy to build, but yeah the M^3 is warmer. i prefer the CK2III personally.

    all the FET-output amps i've heard are quite warm, while the BJT-output amps can go either way.

  4. I'm using Goldpoint SA taken from other projects long gone. The estimated parts cost is about $1200-1500ish, I'm not sure I haven't been keeping track on this particular project, plus some of it is stuff I had on hand.

    Reterminating the D5000 was cake...but I think I'm going to get some Mogami cable and recable them too. Apparently it's pretty good cable....

    i used Mogami for my balanced K701s, and it is very good cable. it should work well with Denons also.

  5. Hey, can someone explain to me in kind of layman's terms what makes the Beta 22 so awesome? When I say kind of layman's terms I mean I have a basic understanding of things like output impedance and wattage etc.

    I'm just not a DIY'er or anything, all I know is suddenly everyone is building these deuce deuces and saying they are the bee's knees. :)

    everyone has their own theories. in measurement terms, i think it is the low transient intermodulation distortion (not the same as intermodulation distortion) obtained from the high slew rate, so that the sound is very accurate in the time domain. i think it is responsible for the punchiness, warmth, speed, transparency, and soundstage. it measures well in other aspects too, like output impedance, harmonic distortion, wattage, but i don't beleive those are what sets it apart.

  6. I'm also using the balanced Beta22 but I prefer the dual 3-pin XLR connectors because it is the Headroom standard:


    At meets all the other balanced amps will be dual 3-pin, so for me it is more logical. BTW I really HATE the stock shoelace cable, so I made a new cable and installed it. Only took about 10 minutes and $20.




  7. I can only hope he comes over here so he tells us more. I doubt even the best solid state is doing the K1000 justice.

    Yeah I agree tubes would be the ultimate combo with the K1000. Here is how Roam described his amp:

    Transformer volume control to WE437A to interstage transformer to 300B to output transformer. Somewhat similar to this [link to Thorsten's 300B schematics], but the operating points and parts of the circuit are different. The interstage transformer is also switchable between 1:1 and 2:1.

    Sound is the best I've ever heard, take all the strengths of a 300B and add speed, dynamics, and full frequency extension high & low. It's very vivid and alive sounding, that's probably the best way I can describe it.

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