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Posts posted by TMoney

  1. Sacramento is a nice place to live, but learning to deal with to the heat here vs. the coastal weather of the Bay Area is a big adjustment.

    I keep getting my butt absolutely kicked on hikes that I’d have no problem with if it were cooler. I’d estimate there is something like a 15-20% difference in effort required to do outdoor activity at 65F near the coast vs. doing at 90F inland. I think the body just has to spend a lot more energy keeping itself cool.

    Thankfully I am bringing plenty of water. A nice cold Gatorade at a gas station after hours hiking out in the sun also really hits the spot.

    • Like 2
  2. Ok, boomer. 😉

    On a related note, it is truly insane to me how many people exclusively get their news from social media or other algorithmic sources these days.

    I feel like a dinosaur still reading newspapers that I have to pay for!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. Couldn’t disagree more. News is the best it has ever been and there has never been more transparency from governmental entities in the US. You have to look for good sources, but they are out there. Usually not on TV.

    • Confused 1
  4. 1920px-Andor.svg.png

    People told me this was the best Star Wars thing Disney has done. I don't know. I tried. Made it four episodes in before giving up.

    There is a magic to the first two movies that nothing else in the franchise has really been able to recapture for me .

    This just isn't a sci-fi world I want to spend part in anymore, which does make me sad.

    • Like 2
  5. Yeah, I too would have picked the fixed roof over the convertible, but a convertible popped up that had the options I want so here we are! A reviewer I like says everyone should own a convertible at least once in their lives. I'm also in California where keeping the top down most of the year is a realistic option.

    GTS has the same engine as the GT4, just revs to 7800 instead of 8000. Some suspension and aero changes as well but I'm going to be daily driving this thing. Also, markup on GT4s is insane.

    I did ride alongs in the Cayman S and GT3 RS yesterday. Maybe some day if/when I make Partner we can think about the big RS!

    • Like 1
  6. Just had my final autocross in the Macan . Finished 8th on PAX (time adjusted by class) in a field of 42 cars! Easily my best finish. It helped that it was cold and rainy so the GT3 and RS cars on semi-slicks were having grip issues. Weather conditions are part of racing though so I make no apologies for finishing ahead of all but one of the GT3 drivers.

    There was another older gentleman in his 80s driving a '21 Macan as well who smoked me and finished 3rd on PAX (missed first by 0.2s!). He was 2.5 seconds faster on about a 60 second course, so the gap was substantial. I was able to ride along with the guy and he was an amazing driver. You learn so much riding right seat when a good driver is behind the wheel. Funny thing is, he left traction/ESC control full on! He just was incredibly smooth with pedal inputs and knew how much force he could put on the steering wheel without understeering.

    Assuming all goes to plan, I will soon be trading the Macan in for the Boxster. She has been an amazing car, but the Boxster should be a lot more suited to the kinds of driving I want to do! I've never owned a convertible before so open top motoring should also be interesting to live with.

    I feel like I am going to have a lot of bad habits to un-learn after 10 years of driving AWD cars, but should be fun. 718 platform with the mid engine seems to be about as forgiving as a sports car that fast gets.

    • Like 8
  7. 632x632bb.webp

    Carl "Blue Suede Shoes" Perkins is in the studio to record "Matchbox," his other great hit. Arriving early to the studio to watch him record is the man in black, Johnny Cash. Also around is "the killer," Jerry Lee Lewis, Sun records' new piano player who hasn't had any of his hits released yet. Driving past, 21 year old Elvis sees the armada of Cadillacs parked at Sun records and stops in to see what is going on.

    A lot of this is just noodling around and the recording isn't great, but this one of the most impressive collaborations of early rock superstars that we have. The "Million Dollar Quartet," indeed. "Don't be Cruel" and "Brown Eyed Handsome Man" are real highlights.

    Sad that by the time they started to get back together Elvis had already passed on.

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