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TMoney last won the day on February 1

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About TMoney

  • Birthday 01/20/1985

Profile Information

  • Location
    Davis, CA
  • Gender


  • Occupation
    Public Agency Lawyer
  • Headphones
    DCA Stealth, HD800S, HD600, HD650
  • Headphone Amps
    ECP DSHA-4 (home) and DSHA-3 (work)
  • Sources
    Holo Audio May, Oppo Sonica
  • Other Audio Gear
    Pass Labs XP-10 Preamplifier

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TMoney's Achievements

Super Secret Ultra Gold Member

Super Secret Ultra Gold Member (6/6)



  1. Happy birthday, Jeff. Hope it isn’t too cold for a deck beer!
  2. ^ One of the greatest pilot episodes in TV history, no question. Still amazing it made it to network TV.
  3. Los Angeles puts on a heck of a show, to the surprise of no one. Some of these acts have aged better than others, but pretty cool to see everyone on the two stages.
  4. Happy birthday!
  5. Thanks, everyone! I had a wonderful time at the race track over the long weekend. Being able to drive my car back was always the goal after coming back wrecked on a flatbed last time. Thankfully everything went great. It was a fun way to kick off a big year.
  6. Oh no! My favorite director ever. Will have more thoughts later but RIP, David. This one is a shock. Twin Peaks is my favorite show ever. Blue Velvet, Elephant Man, and Mulholland all stone cold classics. 😢
  7. Happy bacon day…. I mean birthday!
  8. TMoney

    Get your game on!

    Insane idea, 10/10 execution. I love it! 🤘
  9. RIP Sam, of Sam and Dave. These guys were absolutely molten in their time, and their Stax hits will live forever. Not much of a career after, but we'll always have "Soul Man," "Hold on I'm Comin'," and the rest.
  10. Happy birthday, KD!
  11. Happy birthday!
  12. This! I’m hooked all over again.
  13. TMoney

    Get your game on!

    I took about 17 hours to get through the entire thing. Its on games pass, so I played it that way.
  14. TMoney

    Get your game on!

    What a deligtful game this is. I was smiling the entire time, including as the Raiders March played over the end credits. Raiders is my favorite action movie ever, so I am very much the target audience for this one.
  15. Happy birthday, Ric! Hope you have some excellent films queue’d up!
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