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Posts posted by bralk

  1. I have the L700 MkII and I find the headband pressure too high.

    I wonder if the original L700 headband would lessen the pressure as the 

    “arm” of the forks are a straight construction without the bend at the bottom in the MkII model.

    Any “swithers” between the too models heamdband ?



  2. O ye wise men of Staxen, any thoughts on what a fair price might be for a used SRM-007t in decent nick? For verily, having three stat amps at one time is probably overkill even by the standards of this place. ;)


    I paid 900 USD for mine and it is a blessing as compaired to the kgss



  3. I want to get a stand and cover for my 404LE. The Stax stand doesn't look very stable. Am I right about that? The Woo ones look much better.

    But if I get a Woo single stand, will the Stax cover still fit over it?



    I use both stands and he Stax cover fits just fine on the Woo.



  4. As you carefully followed the advice in your welcome PM and read a lot of what's posted, and while researching the O2, surely you read that the initial decent O2 amps are Stax 717 and KGSS. Right? .

    Wrong ! The KGSS sucks - no real power, resulting in muddy bass.

    BIG disappointment.



  5. The last normal bias amps were made in August/September 2003 but the only change was to just replace the 6 pin socket with another 5 pin. This worked great on the 313 with only one Pro socket to begin with but the 006t and 007t were a bit silly. The 300 and 717 were never equipped with normal bias sockets since they were later additions.


    Are there other than cosmetic differences between the SRM-007t and SRM 007ta/II.

    Any real change to the design?



  6. What was the latest generation Stax amp with normal bias socket? I think I have seen 007t with one some time ago.

    The first series of the 007t had 2 pro and 1 normal output. The last series had 3 pro outputs only. ( I have one of those with serial no: 7T-2199 )



  7. I heard that Stax released some dummy head recording (or binaural) demo CDs in the past. Anyone heard them? And where can I get one? Thanks.

    Yes the did - but they have been out of print for a long time.

    They often pop up at the German e-bay.



  8. If it's the Lambda Sigs that you are talking about then I'd just order up a new SR-303 (or 404 if you want a better one) cable and install it. I can take you through it step by step and it is not that hard to do if you know how a screwdriver works and which end of the soldering iron to hold... :P

    Hi spritzer

    I would like to try and recable my defunct SR-303. Can you suggest a supplier for a spare cable ?

    Will I have to install new pads as well after removal. Or can some third party adhesive be used to fasten the old ones ?



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