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Posts posted by gtp

  1. Looking for a very thin/slim and simple wallet to carry in my back or front pocket.  Any suggestions? 

    Does anyone know anything about these? http://www.all-ett.com/

    I have the all-ett nylon inside-id wallet.  It's the slimmest wallet I've had.  Durable too.  I'm very happy with it and would buy another/recommend.

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  2. Marantz 2238B for the office, I plan on getting an spare DAC as a source from the PC using iTunes. For now I am using a plain line out dock out of an iPod and an HD580. To my ears it sounds very good and I hope to fix the blown lights on the front panel. I would also like to use it to amp an AKG K1000. Has anyone used an old receiver to amp a K1000? Thanks.


    HEY! I just bought a Marantz 2238B from Craigslist for $100. Only one bulb out, otherwise it is perfect. I am a happy camper. I ordered PSB Image B5 to go with it. Hopefully it'll be a nice living room rig.

    For replacement lamps, I found:

    Marantz Lamp Kits


    Marantz Lamps

  3. Filson gear tends to be pretty heavy. How much does that thing weigh?

    Not as heavy as the same thing in leather, but definitely heavier than it looks. To me, that just means the canvas is thick and sturdy, and it lends to a feeling of quality.

    It's a decent daily bag and a great travel bag. I cut out one of the inner dividers - it took 10 minutes with a sharp knife (thick stitching!) but I'm happy with the result.

    Got mine from Crane's Country Store - best prices and great service.

  4. Looking for guidance on a budget system:

    I inherited a Technics SL-QD33. It has a Audio Technica 1001 cartridge. Seems to work OK, but I'm unsure of the cartridge history and figured I'd start from scratch. So, being a TT beginner, I'm looking for guidance. Are there significant step-functions in performance versus price? Would I be fine with a $30 AT or Shure cartridge? Is it worth the extra cash for a <$100 Grado or Ortofon or AT? Money is not strictly an issue but I'm sensitive to diminishing returns.

    The rest of the system is still being procured: Leading contenders are PSB Image B5 (good cost/performance/form-factor) and HK3490 (phono+DAC+sub-outs for future expansion, all for $300).

    Thanks for any and all advice.

  5. The Bialetti and similar stovetops - generically, 'moka pots' - make a tasty cup, but it's really qualitatively different from what you can produce with a pump-driven (or manually pumped) espresso machine. If you like the kind of espresso you get at the little artisan places (not necessarily what you'd get @ Starbucks et al), your taste for it won't be satisfied by anything you can get from a moka pot. Not to denigrate moka pots at all - people across Europe use them daily, and they make a super rich and tasty beverage that's quite unlike American drip coffee. But IMO if what you like is an espresso, a moka pot won't satisfy.

    Interesting stuff! I grew up with Bialettis and still like mine well enough...never knew anything else so I guess I've never been indoctrinated with the artisanal stuff??? Hmmm, now I have to decide: should I live in ignorance or get an education...

  6. Still on the quest for those magical IEMs eh? Using them outside of work now, different work, or what?

    Oh and long time no see, how's it going?

    Yep, back to looking for the perfect IEM. Every IEM has had some fatal flaw for me. With the new generation (IE8, Westone3, etc.), I figured I'd investigate.

    Life is going well. If you want to meet up for lunch in IV or elsewhere, let me know. I should have the IE8 on 4/27 if you want to try them out.

  7. One note about PE: I'm pretty sure the beats and music were all produced by the Bomb Squad - the Shocklee brothers and some other guys who I can't remember. They were the ones who brought the wall-of-noise aspects to rap. I think Terminator X just did scratching and theatrics. Agree with you about Chuck D - my favorite MC of all time.

    These days, the DJs/producers are becoming rappers themselves because with commercialization of the art, the rapping skills don't matter much...e.g. Kanye.

    Lastly, this thread won't be complete without mentioning Grandmaster Flash, one of the the originals of the genre.

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