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Posts posted by morphsci

  1. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Pretty low key birthday. I don’t teach non Tuesdays but I had two meetings right in the middle of the day so I did not do anything much. Went for a nice Sushi birthday lunch on Wednesday in Montpelier. Today we are heading up near Jeffersonville to do a little fly fishing before they weather starts getting colder.

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  2. So I finally received my 5m RCA cable so I got the KEF subwoofer hooked up to the LSX ii's


    It took a bit of moving stuff around as well as doing other shit like updating software on my two NAS. But this seems like a good initial location. I will definitely be moving it around over the next few weeks. I am also very much more impressed with the KEF Connect app. It made setting up the sub very good and provided initial crossover points and the crossover curve. All it required was the name of the specific KEF sub I was using. It does allow for changing all of those which I may end up doing later. Definitely makes the miniDSP less important at this point. The only thing I do not have is the measurement ability in my specific room. I guess I will use my ears for tweaking for a bit.

    EDIT: Actually the hardest part of the setup was finding a place to store the shipping box.

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  3. So we finally made it home from Germany this morning. Brent must have had a huge biscuit this weekend. So we were supposed to fly out of Berlin to JFK on Saturday morning around 11 am Berlin time. Shortly before we were to board the flight was cancelled. It seems the plane we were to take to JFK arrived from Amsterdam the previous evening and sucked a bird into one of the engines on  its landing. The plane landed fine but they needed to check the engine internals for damage. There are only two ways to do this. Tear the engine apart and then put it back together or use an endoscope designed for the task. Unfortunately the nearest endoscope was in Amsterdam and was set to arrive later that day. So the flight was cancelled and they put us up in a hotel until we could get another flight out. Unfortunately the Delta website and app was not operating very well and it took us most of the day to get a flight booked for Sunday. We finally boarded our flight and made it to JFK where we remarkably landed on time, which was 2:45 pm NY time. However we had to sit on the runway for over two hours since we did not have a gate as no planes were permitted to leave their gates because of thunderstorms. We finally got to our gate, got through customs and got to the Delta lounge where Karen had several beers and I had a Bloody Mary and two Martinis as well as some food. We had a fairly long layover as our flight to Burlington was not scheduled to leave until about 11:00 pm. At approximately, 9:30 pm Delta canceled our flight due to weather. At least this time they scheduled us for another flight to Burlington on Monday morning. At this point we had no confidence that Delta could actually get us home so Karen called her sister, who lives in Forest Hills, to see if we could borrow her Jeep Cherokee and drive home to Northfield. We took a taxi from JFK, picked up the Jeep and drove home arriving here around 2:00 am this morning. Delta was not finished with us, I actually canceled our flight this morning on the way driving back to Northfield. I received a boarding call for the flight on my app this morning. So I say, “Fuck you Delta Cunts” and again I blame Brent.

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