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Tyll Hertsens

High Rollers
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Posts posted by Tyll Hertsens

  1. Just been auditioning the Asus Xonar Essence One, and they sent me some of these Muses 8820 op-amps to replace the stock 5532s. My, this amp/DAC sounds pretty damn good for $599, and with the Muses ($899 is the price with these installed) it sounds very nice. Articulate, punchy, smooove! I likey.

    Anyone used these parts?


  2. Can anyone remember the Clou & Red Blue Japris? Those were crazy stiff cables. The first upgrade cables made famous by headroom. Tyll, you got to remember those right?

    Yeah, I remember them. They'd snip the wire about 1/2 inch from the Senn connector and the splice on the new wire. Ahhh the old days....thank goodness they're over.

  3. Well...a little more than a year ago, I measured all the JH custom line with the demo units HeadRoom has. I noticed a lot of shifts in phase, mostly in the cross-over region. I notice this on most multi-driver IEMs to some degree, but I also have to say that some that I very much like (JH13, Shure 535) have it a lot. It's common in speakers that have higher then first order cross-overs. JA has a good article on time coherent speakers vs. ones with phase shift. But he also says that he can't find any correlation between reviewers liking or disliking speakers of these types.

    Anyway, I decided not to publish the JH custom measurements 'cuz I didn't understand them, and I didn't to raise a lot of unanswerable questions about Jerry's product. And they sound good.

    So...at the show Jerry comes up to me and says, " Tyll, I had a complete rethink. Everything I thought was wrong. I've completely time aligned my drivers to within 100uSec." I don't think he remembers me talking to him about the phase stuff, but it might have been one of the seeds. It matters not ....

    The Freqphase JH13 sounded even moar betterer than the standard ones...clearly. sounded. better.

    Some of the lushy gooieness of the regular one is gone, but it's replace with sublime transparency.

    I'm working on a collaborative custom in-ear review with the some of the InnerFidelity writer team. Between us we have a lot of customs, but we need a common reference. Jerry has agreed to do the new Freq JH13 for four of us.

    On other fronts: I'm back. The bike was packed and I was rolling out of the Hyatt parking lot at 4AM. Arrived home at 5:55PM 703 miles later in Bozeman. Great ride, windy as fuck but my FJR just cuts though it, gray skys all day made it less fatiguining on the eyes, rode in drizzle for about a half hour, perfect.

    Best shot of the day:


  4. Okay....so I broke my liver last night, had a few too many before Dinny arrived at 10pm, and then ahad a few too many with him. Felt like shit today, so I just wandered around checking shit ut to see if anything excited me enough to report on it tomorrow.

    Um...well, the V-Moda M-100 sounds damn good.

    This one's gonna hurt: Jerry Harvey had a brainstorm and completely changed the way he does crossovers and bores. So now, the JH13 has even more awesome. No shit.

    Noel Lee was here today. He's now got gold rims on his Segway. I was asked if I'd like to interview him. I. just. can't. do. it. He's such a douchebag.

    Oh, I did listen to the new post-Dre Monster cans....meh. Not horrible, but the bling factor is repugnant in the extreme.

    Jack Woo's got a purdy little new tube headphone amp. Just cute.

    Todd brought lots of beer. smile.png

    Nighty night, I'm toast.

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  5. Jumping on the bike at about 10 this AM. Decided to make a two day trip out of it as it's so damned cold in the morning and it's a 12 hour ride minimum. The good news? Electrically heated Gerbings jacket FTMFW!!!

    The really nice thing is that having this much time will let me get off the slab and take some back roads through Wyoming. I'll overnight in Riverton WY most likely. Then blaze into Denver Thursday, hopefully to arrive in time to take some pix of set-up day.

    I've mounted an O2 and iRiver IHP140 on the bike and will be testing out some UERM, JH13, and some ACS T1 custom IEMs on the trip. Work sucks....not.

    Pix of brown likker with Dinny coming soon!

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