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Craig Sawyers

High Rollers
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Posts posted by Craig Sawyers

  1. This hit the BBC news last night. Just awful. So difficult to understand. RIP the 14 small children and one teacher.

    How will the parents of the 14 cope?

    Arming the teachers will do diddly squat to deter atrocities like this.

  2. The guy in the video runs this outfit https://www.lathamtimber.co.uk/products , and sells a whole lot of interesting decorative products including Valchromat. Different thicknesses and panel sizes.

    Wonder what the acoustic properties are like? How dead etc.

    Just seen this on his site "Please note: due to the nature of our business and our delivery vehicles, we are unable to supply to the general public."

  3. Went to see Wagner's opera Lohengrin last night at the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, London. This was the final part of my awesome series of birthday presents - this one from my wife, long planned and two months afterwards.

    It was bloody awesome. Everything was perfect - the setting, the set and lighting, and an Internationally renowned top flight cast of singers.


    With various courses of an excellent meal in the intervals.

    Carole was not a Wagner fan initially - but I've converted her. She was in tears of emotion by the end of the overture to Act 1 (honestly - so was I!).

    Now Wagner the man was a loathsome individual. Anti semitic, hateful towards his contemporary composers, and impossible to work with - a micromanager from hell. He described Brahms as "That bastard, Brahms", and put it about that Brahms' music was inspired by shooting birds from his balcony with a "Tyrolean bow" (there is actually no such thing) and listening to their dying cries. His dreadful reputation was not helped by Hitler being a Wagner fan, and it representing the pinnacle of music for Nazi National Socialism.

    Putting the awfulness of Wagner to one side - he was one hell of a composer! You just have to divorce the man from the music.

    • Like 10
  4. Actually last week walking in Orkney and Shetland. Orkney is flat with wet pools and quite boring geographically, Shetland is much hillier and nicer to walk. Weather was uncharacteristically superb; the whole area is known for torrential rain and gale force winds, often together.

    Jarleshof is a Viking trading post on Shetland. The Old Man of Hoy is a famous 450 feet sea stack, and is notoriously difficult to climb. Scara Brea is a stone age settlement on Orkney. Note the stone sideboard! Real Flintstones. And two pics of us.



    Old Man of Hoy.jpg

    Scara brea 2.jpg


    Shetland ponies.jpg

    • Like 12
  5. Woohoo - that must be a weight off! Great news Ric.

    Been there recently so I know exactly the nervousness waiting for the result.

    Mine took a bit longer to heal than expected because the bone headed nurse that took the stitches out, left a fragment in and that got infected, which was not fun.

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