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Posts posted by hYdrociTy

  1. yep, albeit all i could compare were 320 lame files or face listening to stuff I havent before, though I'm sure lossless would reveal all the subtle nuances that one would get the upgrade for, I still think there should be a huge benefit even with a nicely encoded 320, but it didnt convince me, even though I had been using fairly high end stuff (my sr71 with er-4s(foam) and senns). Maybe I should try lossless, but until then my opinion holds that yea an amp to a 4g ipod is alright, and adding a mod is proabably only worth if you all you have is lossless and some real high end stuff like maybe customes or if you use this like.. as your main rig for some reason..

  2. portables do kind of suck. though nothing beats taking a 650 to a park in the city at night. (although ive once brought along a glite/dps, pcdp and a big power cord LOL)

    there comes a point where you just have to stop and move on. a pint(50 bucks) or pimeta(90 bucks) with a cdp (via cardas 12 dollar cable) is as close as you can get, and any other junk like 200 dollar ipod wire removal+a capacitor, 350 dollar amps ,and 100 dollar "docks" is just retarded

  3. ipod photo + diy silver dock cable + portaphile v2^2 maxxed blackgates lt1210 (basically a 9 volt pimeta) + nordost solar wind rewired cryo treated canare F12 plugged KOSS KSC35 IS THE BEST PORTABLE SHITZ OUT THERE ON TEH INTERCLOUDS FOR TEH WIN!

    This is a pic of a simliar cable i made for head-fi user "sauce"

    (disregard the mp3 player, as it was put in to show how but the plug is)


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