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Posts posted by fierce_freak

  1. Sweet! I'm another Stover fan, found him through his Star Wars work.

    I'm glad to hear about the third Caine book, I thought it had gone forgotten. He'll be releasing another Star Wars novel this February, this time working his mindfuck on Luke, in the near-post-ROTJ era. Finally something I can look forward to :-\

    Awesome, iceman ;D I also found him through his Star Wars work, specifically NJO book 13, Traitor (which happens to be my favorite SW book out of the 50 or so I own). I didn't know he had a new SW book coming up, so I'll have to keep an eye out...I haven't read a SW book since Stover's Revenge of the Sith.

  2. Caine Black Knife is the title IIRC. It just came to me. Such a badass name, there is no way the book won't be amazing. Caine is like, the ultimate badass. :prettyprincess:

    Yeah, that's it. I can't wait for it or anything else by Stover. I'd love to see more of Deliann/Kris in it, too.

  3. Yeah, I'm not really super picky, either. I'd love to pick up the ultra micro to compare with my Opus, but I'd be almost afraid to like it more. My rig is single-ended right now, and I don't think balancing brings the amount of improvement most think it does, but I'd hate to not have the option down the line without using a balancing transformer or the like. I'm also not the most fond of having to use a 1/8" to rca cable. I'd ask Headroom if they'd make another exception and sell me a max board like the one in your Hersten Signature DAC, but I probably don't have the rep to swing it.

  4. loud and unremarkable. :P

    figured someone would say something like this. I obviously disagree, and we have different taste in our music, so no point in arguing it. I have to be honest and say that I've only heard of two bands on your list, both in the flops section (Darkthrone and Sleepytime Gorilla Museum). I'll have to see what style the other bands you listed are as I love a variety of stuff (just prefer math, grind, deathcore, etc.)

    Just got back from picking up 6 cd's, all from this year, many of which I would bet belong in the best of '07 (a fantastic year for metal, for my taste):

    Devin Townsend - Ziltoid

    Animosity - Animal

    War from a Harlot's Mouth - Transmetropolitan

    Job for a Cowboy - Genesis

    Suicide Silence - The Cleansing

    The Agony Scene - Get Damned (at least i think that's the title)

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