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Posts posted by fierce_freak

  1. I'm just glad we can tweak the sound...some people swear by flats (I was one of them with the lower end Grados), others go with the bowls (like I do now). On my setup with my music, the bowls are a better choice for me. I understand the appeal of the flats, though...who doesn't love some bass in ya face 4eva, word.

  2. Its not just the pads, but the whole upstream of equipment that account for the amount of bass coming out of them grados. Oh and you can't forget the recording. :P

    Yeah, that's true. None of the systems I've heard it on for extended periods sounded better with flats than bowls, though. That only includes Jay's, Renato's, and my system, though.

    i never had a problem. i must be lucky.

    Me, either. I've never really understood any of the comfort complaints with Grado 'phones, including the metal Grados, and I wear glasses.

  3. I go with bowls, and I don't find them bright, really. Things get muddled with the flats. During the mini-meet at my place last month, we tried both the MS-Pro and RS-1 out of Jay's amp with the flats on some Massive Attack track, and the bass was insane.

  4. If I had to listen to that shit all day...gah. I love football, but I think fantasy leagues are the most idiotic fucking things. Half the people I know now only care about how certain players do, not about the teams. Stats mean shit if you don't win, as a team. I'm sure some people here like that stuff, and if that's what people like, cool...I just don't want to hear it.

    Due to lack of staffing, I've worked on my shift alone for a year and a half (swing shift in IT at a casino), so I've been lucky enough to work alone for a while. Unfortunately, the casino break room is shared by all staff, so there are 50 people in there at any time. Some people annoy the shit out of me because they're so loud and obnoxious, and the annoying people are usually from Table Games. I know nobody cares, just sayin' :kitty:

  5. It's going to be a gain of 10 effective (gain of 5 per board). That should give it the umph it needs...It sounded good to me out of my single-ended Beta22 with the zapped Opus, but I do listen a lot lower in volume than most people.

  6. The D2000 pads are not just donuts a la K701 and the like. They really are meant to go on only one way, so I can definitely see how having them on backwards would screw with your perception of the sound. No, it probably won't make you magically like the phones, but it should sound much more like the D5000 if you have the pads right.

  7. It makes me doubt my own ears a bit as I'll take your opinion over a lot of the herd over at Head-Fi. I actually compared my (at the time) balanced D2000 with thrice's D5000 back in July which is where I drew the conclusion of few differences between the two. That's really strange about the mids being so forward for you...I think the upper mids might stick out a bit to me, but I'd say the lower mids are a bit recessed or somewhat covered up by the large bottom end.

    So, maybe my ears are broke, too. Or you're just a spoiled brat ;p

    -edit- now I want to hear the two side by side again in a more quiet environment (they don't isolate much)...eh, why bother. I'm so happy with the RS-1 I'm set for awhile.

  8. Yeah, this is true. I'm currently using a beta22 (single-ended passive ground version) with a twisted pear audio Opus DAC with zapfilter installed. It's probably just a preference of sound thing...I hear what's good about the K701, but to my ears I could never live with a pair. Not nearly enough bass and the most fatiguing headphone I've ever owned (Grados don't bother me). I think that could be part of the AKG house sound, though, as every pair of AKG's I've owned have fatigued me to some point (even K1k).

    -edit- also have to account for musical taste...the largest portion of my musical collection is made up of metal and prog rock, and smatterings of other stuff like industrial, rock, and jazz.

  9. Also, although it's been a few months, the D5000s sounded in no way as bad as these. I just didn't understand all the raving about them (Senns, RS1s, K701 and others kill them), and thought they were over-priced, but they at least sounded decent.

    I disagree. D2000 is my third favorite headphone I've owned, and I've owned the Senns and the K701 (which is shit). My ranking for cans I've owned is RS-1 > K1000 > D2000 > the rest (this disregards 'stats). I also had the chance to listen to both D5000 and D2000 side by side and noticed very little differences between the two. My ears are probably borked, haha.

    -edit- also, your comment on the mids is strange to me...to my ears, the mids on the D2000 are neutral or even a tad recessed as far as frequency balance goes.

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