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Posts posted by krrm

  1. Biking for me today as well :prettyprincess:, but only to the grocery store. First time in two months, some more training and my leg should be ready for biking to work again, well to work is not the the problem, but home is uphill all the way

    from: home to: work - Google Maps. After 6 weeks in cast a lot of muscles are gone.

    Also had my first physioterapist appointment, and a much needed hair cut.

  2. I shall not tell you what to do, but in my experience a little distance sometimes can help to appreciate other people more. In the army I did not get very well along with one of my room mates (close to an understatement), however once in separate rooms this changed since we could lay our differences aside and talk about other things.

  3. I'm having the rest of the week of and went to Fredrikstad today, just south of Oslo, with the kids just to have a look at the fortified old town (17th/18th century). We had a wonderful day.

    After picking up some garden chairs on our way back, we failed to find anything close to an Italian restaurant at the shopping mall, so for the first time in many years we ended up on Burger King. Ain't gonna happen again. A lot worse than I could remember.

  4. DMA whats that ??? , just kidding, I did quite a lot of assembler during my education. But frankly, I'm very glad I don't have to think about DMA in web applications :D otoh Java for real time embedded stuff might not be a very good idea.

  5. Too bad java sucks ;)

    I wouldn't use the word suck, but there is some issues with java, no doubt. But java is, and this might indeed make it suck for some, mature and safe for corporate use, unlike some of the still 8) stuff.

    I currently work on a very small and simple web - db application, perfect for Rails I thought. In order not to upset the rest of the organisation, jruby would almost make it too perfect (as it produces javabyte code that can be run on a java application server). Was I able to set up the environment in a day (following a cookbook)? Nope. Could I have done it? I have great faith in myself for such things, so yes. Could the next one touching the code do that? No idea, and that was when it became the usual Spring application.

  6. In the university I studied electronic circuit design, mostly digital, but started to work for a major telco. After various jobs that more required someone with an education rather than a specific education, I decided to get into programing and spent a lot of spare time learning Java. And I was able to shift my job towards more and more programming. Now I do 100% programming and related tasks.

    I was over 30 when I switched and for me this was the right thing . I had great fun during my Java learning time as I had a project on my own where I could try out various stuff in a meaningful context and I still like my job. In a way, writing code is a more or less a continuation of building lego. But as Grawk mentioned there is a lot of computer jobs that looks boring. So before you make a drastic move, be as sure as possible that you know what you want.

    Btw. (computer) security is a field where I believe a lot of work will be done in the future and a field that will require a lot of various professions to work together.

  7. Cast is off, and I can use my right foot again. It will however take at least 6 months and some training till it is as good as it was, so no running or ballsport of any kind yet. Walking, both on and off track, is good and I can ride my bicycle as soon as I feel ready for it. :prettyprincess: But I now have to get my own coffee at work. :eek: Working the rest of the day from home.

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