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Everything posted by tagosaku

  1. I have both SP and GT adaptor for 12xx7 -> 6sn7. GT version is cheaper and has a better tube socket and I can not tell the difference...
  2. Good luck. Last year, I lived with a weekly 'will ship by weekend' update for three month and beyond. Then suddenly received my repaired MPX back without shipping confirmation, just shipping notice with no pick up time etc. Maybe that was a better time..
  3. Seems that way reading forum posts. Mine is from fall 2004 and was working without problem for four years, and now the problem seems rather permanent.
  4. I sent my MPX in last may because of noise in the right channel. Luckily, I got it back in five month. He upgraded part of the circuit (according to himself) and it did sound better when it came back. However after a few weeks, the same problem comes back. When it happens, I turn it off, pull out the driver, reinsert it and most of the time that solves the issue. But not sure how long more my MPX will be functional... Yes, so trying to get your amp back is hard, but being insecure after receiving it is not that fun also
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