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n_maher last won the day on July 24

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About n_maher

  • Birthday 03/03/1976

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  • Gender
    Not Telling


  • Biography
    Ordinary Average Guy
  • Location
    Seacoast, NH
  • Occupation
    Structural Engineer
  • Hobbies
    Wood, Metal, etc.
  • Headphones
    HF-2, HF-1, ER4P
  • Headphone Amps
    The Torpedo
  • Sources
    Adcom GDA-700, EAD DSP 1000 MKIII, Parasound DAC 1500, Squeezebox Touch

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  1. I’ll try to have a peak when i get back from vacation. If you press onward before that, no worries.
  2. Thanks guys, it is a ride I’ve done once before and is in essence uphill the whole way. I mean yes, there are descents after the big climbs but as a point to point there’s a lot more up than down. And a persistent headwind out of the north was not something I’d bargained on. Oddly enough, what freaks most people out is my HR data. AVG: 158bpm, MAX: 178. Not too shabby for a 48 year old.
  3. Diameter? I might have a spool in a closet at home.
  4. I do indeed Steve and it's actually what sprung to mind when you described the direction and location. Steve's new backyard.
  5. I had and almost exclusively shot with an 18-200 for years on my D7000. I'm sure there's better glass, but for a lens that you almost never have to take off the body, I had few complaints. I also understand why, from a professional or even semi-pro perspective, it was criticized.
  6. I've been playing with the D4S all weekend. Man, it's funny how familiar the Nikon controls feel after so many years with the D7000 and how easy it is to fall back into workflow/process. Still working on nailing focus points. Low light performance is impressive. That was in an essentially dark room with the little man lit only by the light of his phone.
  7. outside but covered. One of the selling points of the new Weber's are some sort of treatment process they do to the steel to keep it from rusting. And the frame is allegedly built a lot better than your average flat top grill. Time will tell. No issues with cooking surface rust so far and it's been impressively hot/humid here since I got it. 97F today.
  8. What isn't a double entedre to you, Steve? 😆
  9. Had a surreal moment at work the other day - I was out walking with our public affairs staff planning for an upcoming major event when my specialist made the following comment, "Maybe we should use the nice camera in the closet for this?" I responded asking WTF she was talking about, what was this camera, where was it, how long had it been sitting around, etc. What followed was a mind numbing conversation about how her higher-HQ had shipped her a camera last year to use to document some of the work we're doing. She took one look at it, decided it was way-too-complicated and put it in a storage closet. So on Monday I unearthed a mint condition Nikon D4S complete with a Nikkor 28-300 lens. I have always wanted to tinker with a Nikon FX body. I am the only one that can figure out how to use a camera without a green auto function 🤦‍♂️. So I've got it home with me for the long weekend trying to figure it all out and re-learn some Nikon functions after going to the dark side of Sony for the last three years.
  10. ^^^ Also of note during that final sprint during the historic Cav win, the epic and injury preventing bunny-hop to avoid the rider that crashed. https://www.thesun.co.uk/sport/28951469/tour-de-france-cycling-cavendish/
  11. I've been getting to know the new flattop and liking it a lot. Made an epic breakfast sandwich on it this morning. Last night was fajitas.
  12. Thanks for sharing your story, Steve.
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