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High Rollers
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Posts posted by granodemostasa

  1. I got lazy, so instead of writing to sets of impressions, I'll just copy my impressions from head-fi.

    "the DA100 is quite an amazing machine. forget that it can't do balanced (unless you seriously need it). I can't really claim pin point imaging, nor can i claim it to be the most neutral thing I've ever heard (it's warm, maybe a bit too warm with the HD650 sometimes), but it sure is just about the most musical dac I've heard and sounds exactly like the DP200. IronDreamer noted that he couldn't tell the difference between this and the 220, i thought he had tin-ears or wasn't trying hard enough.. i was wrong, the Stellos all do sound alike and I'd be hard pressed to find differences between them. Overall, the good things and bad things i perceived about the DP200 and VDA-2 are still the same but the HD650 is much less revealing than the K1000/F1, so they don't matter as much. I will add that the DA100 brought out all kinds of texture and "liveliness" and live like qualities that i hadn't heard on the VDA-2. if it wasn't for the VDA-2's superior soundstaging, i would be all over the da100....

    don't take this as me saying one is better than the other. i actually think the da100 may be a better overall dac than the vda-2 (and maybe the lavry). However, there are things i have to consider... and i don't think i can give up the accuracy and clarity of the vda-2 just yet. both are fine dacs, and if you are looking at both, the only real question is whether you want something warm and musical v. something analytical"

  2. Sorry dude, it wasn't a real write up.

    I'll give you an example.

    On Sarah Blasko's "Overture and the Underscore" album each snare and cymbol hit seemed to have a longer decay on the VDA-2, however, there was more to hear. for example, a snare might hit and details like the vibrations on the chains on the insturment would come out more, as oppose to sounding muted on the stello.

    On Esa Pekka Salonen's "Wing on Wing" CD, the "attack" from bells and triangles appeared to be sharper/faster with less extended decay than the Stello. this is what i mean by "faster," the attack, not the decay. (why the decay was faster in the treble, i don't know)

    On that same Salonen CD, the VDA-2 had a longer decay and almost an HD650 style "reverberation" affect when it came to the orchestra itself, which had the effect of clouding the soundstage. While the Stello cleary took apart each section of the orchestra and one could easily hear where each sound was comming from.

    I know the observations sound contradictory... the conclusions were inconclusive since they "traded" some characteristics back and forth as I continued to throw more Music at them. (btw, it was straight A/B style)

  3. AIM Conversation about the Stello and VDA2

    CODEMIKEKENOBI : so, any conclusions?

    dejemibarca: alot.

    dejemibarca (10:04:33 PM): the first day: stello blew out the VDA

    dejemibarca (10:04:40 PM): second day, VDA blew out the stello

    dejemibarca (10:05:18 PM): the VDA has twin faults that make it somewhat dull for pop and rock,

    dejemibarca (10:06:02 PM): it's center voice isn't airy and it is somewhat distant sounding.

    dejemibarca (10:06:54 PM): the Stello has two faults that are glaring on classical music: it doesn't have has good treble extension and it isn't nearly as detailed.

    CODEMIKEKENOBI (10:07:18 PM): okay

    dejemibarca (10:07:56 PM): it went back and forth... i think the vda is a little faster, but not as clear... so it can get more "messy" sounding in complicated sections

    dejemibarca (10:08:48 PM): the stello is warmer, and not as bright. it has a bigger, deeper and more impacting bass... but not as textured.

    dejemibarca (10:09:29 PM): the stello does imaging far far better... but not "night and day" like it was with the benchmark v. lavry. dejemibarca (10:10:00 PM): the soundstage is a little bigger side to side on stello but not as deep.

    dejemibarca (10:11:11 PM): there was some resolution and "crunchiness" lost in the stello on guitar pieces, while warmth and euphonic qualities were lacking on the vda2

    dejemibarca (10:12:48 PM): overall: i think the vda-2 sounds like a very good version of what the benchmark is trying to do. the stello sounds like a good version of what tube dacs wish they sounded like.

  4. Hey, for some odd reason there is a capenter who has his workshop inbetween two apartment buildings. i'ts just one small wall from my building's courtyard... that can get very annoying! good thing headphones were invented!

  5. Hey Tony-

    I'm a relatively new convert to tubes. I went from a Corda HA-2 MKII SE to a Singlepower PPX3 Slam, and I was shocked. Despite all I had read, I wasn't expecting tubes to be capable of slam, impact, and speed, but the PPX3 has it in spades. Tubes enabled me to enjoy listening to music at low volume, though I still enjoy cranking it up on tunes I'm really into. ;) And of course there is tube rolling, which is an experience in and of itself. Its so cool to be able to throw in some tubes and alter the character of an amp's sound.

    Plus the glowing is pretty cool, and all your normal friends think you're weird. Then I'm like "fuck yall yall weird i dont need yall i got my d-getters, bitches". Then you can stay home all the time.

    yes,the ppx slam is in a high level of performance for tube amps, the first amp to change my perception was the PPX Slam. i think most of the stereotypes come from the cheaper or older amps out there. i tried the mapletree HD150 and i would have thought that tube amps lacked impact/slam/speed,clarity if i hadn't put the same headphone in the zana deux a few minutes later.

  6. eh... true. but i did hate the K701 before i tried it and having it in my rig for a month resulted in a great respect for that can, i change my mind often about these things.

    you want me to learn how to write like a stereophile reviewer? i can do that, but i dont' want to fill the forums up with fluff.

  7. sorry, i just happen to hate the RS-1 with a passion... and soundstage is just about my biggest priority when it comes to headphones.

    that better be like an original RS-1 with wooden box and upgrade cable to justify that cost.

    nevermind, go ahead and buy it.. i need to give the RS-1 a good review on the equipment i have now.

  8. Wot! i got them. but i'm waiting for the dac so right now i'm just listening with my ipod.. and nice sound. right now i like them better than anything else i've heard the ipod with. the bass might be a little over doing it but but it sure doesn't bother me right now.

  9. Hey, update!

    the lavry's issues: it sounded like the K701, somewhat dry and uninvolving, with a similar soundstage. good, accurate and very "imagy" in the center but not as big R and L as the benchmark or the Stello. Further, it just didnt' have very good dynamics and sounded very grainy with voices/voicing.

    so i went for a VDA2, and i'll update my impressions.. this thing has only played for a few hours....

    soundstage- sounds like a GS1000, with compact and upfront center voice but goes very wide on the outlaying soundstage. this isn't the K1000 speaker, but the GS1000 style.

    reach- nothing jumps out, it sounds flat.. only that the bass doesn't go as deep as i'd like.. and it's not impactful.

    the voicing is right on! i love it..

  10. I'd be extremely surprised if it were significantly more detailed, since the only differences from the MkI are a slight change to the filter circuit (added one dual-channel opamp), the additional USB input, the lack of heatsinks on the output transistors, and a new brand of relays.

    really? so nothing in the design changed?

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