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Posts posted by livewire

  1. More important, is that a book on saltine bread at the back.


    I can live without music, but I find I need food to continue my mortal existance on this celestial orb.


    Looks like an aluminium plate on (sal)tine bread. Them bookz iz underneeth. :rly_owl:

  2. I did one rough estimate a while ago. Buy a1486/c3675/c3381 from bdent cost 540 USD - replace those with parts for modified T2 from Mouser cost you75 USD.


    Buying from bdent is maybe more expensive than ebay, but risk for fakes is considerable lower


    Thanks for the informed reply, boss!


    Amen to that!!! I've never had a problem buying anything from them - other than them draining my wallet. :laugh:

  3. Last week I rode a 50 mile loop around San Diego on my old 37 pound Trek Hybrid.

    That convinced me to get something a bit more agile.  

    Took it for a 20 mile shakedown ride. The Fuji is relatively light, fast and comfortable too!


    Can't wait to log another 50 today and tomorrow, gotta lose some more poundage.



    • Like 4
  4. I am jealous of you guys.


    Since buying my Trek bike I've been making it a point to ride at least once every day. I am so overweight and out of shape that so far I have been limiting rides to 10-15 minutes in my local neighborhood. I try and stretch it a little bit more with each ride. I want to get my legs and breath back and am working slowly at getting there. At the end of each ride my legs feel like rubber, but I feel good when I finish. I'm keeping a positive attitude and making sure I get out there every day.


    I will post sparingly here but will continue to follow the thread for inspiration. 


    Keep up the good work!

    In a few months it will get easier, you will want your distance to increase.

    Weight loss will come quickly if one counts calories and limits the libations!

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