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Posts posted by Icarium

  1. Haha.. yeah. Haven't heard those balanced ;p

    So I think the LCD-1s are definitely wider in soundstage which is nice.

    Bass quantity it also has the victory as well.

    Speed is a toss up, but hard to gauge from the main difference which is high extension. The LCD-1s seem to be missing something that etches/defines/separates notes which takes away from how speed is conveyed. My suspicion was that this had to do with the higher frequencies and chatting with cetoole seems to confirm that.

    NoNoNoNoNoNo says that this can be improved with mods.

  2. I think burn in is probably done. Bass has definitely upped in quantity and extension has improved a bit. Highs were a little stabby with Afrocelt - Lovers of Light in certain areas (Only that track and frankly I think it's on purpose j4cbo confirm/deny?), but that's toned down.

    The "congestion" with complex/distortion heavy music has gone away a bit as well, but it still is king with electronica/instrumental/vocalist-oriented music in comparison. Still I can enjoy my shittily mastered indie rock with it now :)

    Verdict on balanced versus single ended? Bass is a little tighter balanced and soundstage is maybe a smidgeon wider and clearer. I think you can chalk this heapdhone up as a "Does not improve significantly balanced" headphone along with every other headphone besides the Sennheiser 6X0 series.

    I don't regret having it done as it's nice :), but not a must have imo.

    The speed and impact is fucking ridiculous. Also I don't know what it is but music sounds intriguingly different coming from these babies. I don't know if that's the "orthodynamic" sound or what since I have yet to hear some of those filthy vintage on-ear orthos, but something is differently presented in a different fashion. I never really bought into electrostatic versus dynamic sound, but I am starting to.

    I guess it's time to put in the AD2000s and see the difference.

  3. Hey Dan. I saw you there but never got the chance to come talk. Sorry about that. I'll catch you (or vice versa) next time.

    Haha its cool I think we waved at each other a few times. I was keeping my semi-head-fi buddy (Just bought a CTH/Audeze rig) and my not very head-fi buddy (Recipient of the random IEMs I keep winning in raffles/handouts) entertained most of the time anyways. They had fun somewhat.. hanging out with matt fury was a highlight :)

  4. I dunno about that.. you can talk to him about it. It seems like his modus operandi is that he just builds stuff for the sake of building it for fun and then sells it at ~parts cost. I didn't really query him too much about it because there isn't much I'm looking for right now. I mostly overheard him chatting with someone about it while waiting for the raffle to go down.

  5. Yay, confirmation. In that case, the original Omega rocks better than any other stat I've heard. Is it true that it has the biggest Stax driver ever?

    Edit: did Fallenangel get to sell that Dynalo?

    I'm not sure if that one was for sale, but he is working on one to sell. He said ~800 for non custom panels... ~900 for custom panels (Pretty insane deal).

    Also a balanced ckkiii for 600 non custom panels and 700 for custom panels.. I think. Maybe 700/800 I forget.

  6. Yeah they have been a bit hit or miss with answering emails, but I think they are just insanely busy since they both work 80 hr a week day jobs in addition to trying to get the business of the ground. I know they didn't follow through with Dreadhead either... AIM/phone seems to be the most reliable way to contact them.

    I paid 450 shipped for one pair (400 + tax since I'm also in california + shipping). 437 for theo ther (tax + 400 dollars).

    They are just shipping the first 6 they finished out of the first batch of 25. I'm not sure how many gen 1 batches they are doing before releasing gen 2. gen 1 and 2 differ in frames since gen 1 has essentially a modified off the shelf frame. According to ortho heads it can be drastically improved in terms of dampening and what not. What comes from their experimentation will trickle down into the gen 2 frame.

    I'm guessing at least a year time frame for gen 2... also early adopters I was told will get some sort of upgrade plan whether its a discount for gen 2 or maybe just the frame if you want to swap the driver to the new frame... dunno they haven't pinned down the details yet.

    Yeah I took some pictures with my crappy camera/photography skills, but my brother has the cable so I can't get them off the camera :/

  7. Interesting.. I just did a quick swap between the w5000 and the LCD-1s on Neko Case's "This Tornado Loves You."

    I know the w5000s arent a well liked headphone, but as j4cbo can attest somehow the dynahi brings out the best from them. They sound killer with it.

    Couple observations:

    1. The w5000s are more sensitive. I have to go 3-4 clicks to reach ~rough level parity with the LCD-1s.

    2. The w5000s seem clearer which really brings out their resolution. I'm not sure which is more detailed at this time, but I can definitely discern where the edges of a note are better with the w5000s than the lcd-1s. This is mostly true with the mids but also as you turn up the volume on the LCD-1s they improve in this area, but do not catch up at the loudest volume I'm willing to listen to at work ;p. Are they power starved from the dynahi? Well it is heavily attenuated after all (The dynahi that is.. had it done since I'm all about low impedance headphones).

    3. The LCD-1 is faster it is ridiculously effortless with percussion.

    4. It has better imaging/soundstage width by a good ~50% over what the w5000 has. Then again the the w5000 was never all that wide. Imaging is fantastic though. Pinpoint accurate for me in the X/Y axis.

    5. Hrm another thought with regards to thought #1. Case's vocals sound great when it is nearly acapella... could it be that it has problems with instrument separation so when there are a lot of things going on... peripheral sounds have priority because those sound amazing.

    6. They sound seem to isolate thattt well. If there's no music playing then I can hear my outside environment pretty well.. but I've never really had a problem with isolation in general. When music is playing my attention rachets onto that and everything else fades. So I'm not going to be a great judge at this.. sorry Dusty.

    Well anyways this is all within 30 minutes over ownership so who knows how things will change or synergy will change with my other gear.

    Hagusb -> Parasound DAC1500 -> Dynahi -> LCD-1/W5000

  8. Well I know they took waterfall on NoNoNoNoNoNo's pair before getting them out (Maybe he has the uber leet pair), so those will show up some day. You can certainly borrow one pair Dreadhead.. probably the balanced one though since the others will be my work phone unless I keep the w5000s and then in that case maybeee you can borrow both. To be determined still :)

    I'll take some pics when I get home.. but maybe not until they are reterminated depending on if Ori has time tonight.

  9. I think I'm the first consumer to get a pair... sorry NoNoNoNoNoNo!

    They rushed 1 of my two pairs out in order for me to try and get it reterminated to balanced prior to the meet. It comes in a giant ziplock bag in a functional travel bag.

    They look pretty much identical to the prototypes but less beat up, a nice Audeze logo with a L on the left side (I believe designating which side is left etc and a very durable looking cable. I believe they consulted a few of our resident cable making experts for tips and used something along the lines of Canare/Belden? cable.

    Did some tests immediately since I'm still at work and it seems like it leaks as little sound as my w5000s even though its technically an open headphone with the w5000s are technically closed. It might leak slightly more on loud passages, but not enough to bother my co-worker who is sitting 3 feet behind me.

    The sound? Was it as magical as I remembered at Can Jam? It's pretty damn impressive. Fast as all get out.I need to shoot it out carefully against the w5000/ad2000/qualias/k1000s to see where they stand.

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