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Posts posted by ph0rk

  1. What entry? If it's the head-case entry, then someone is fucking with us. We should put a call in to wikipedia, and get that traced back. If it's the head-fi entry...well, technically, even that entry is public domain, and the head-fi martinets shouldn't be allowed to take it out, but then, it's wikipedia, so anyone can do what they want.

    Technically, it's not advertising, but I could see it as being not apropos to the head-fi entry.

    See: http://wikitruth.info/

  2. In my experience, it takes a data loss of some significance before most people take backups seriously. The idea of a hard drive going tits-up is the furthest thing from their mind.

    Jude was just unlucky enough in this case for the data loss to be very public .

  3. The problem with a raid array as redundancy is it won't protect you from an errant DROP TABLE command or the like - good backups are as much for user error as for hardware.

    something like "drop table posts, users, attachments;" would make even a raid 16 array useless as it would just mirror the change instantly.

  4. So what (politically correct term) do you call someone that runs a

    major website with great influence that has no hot failover capabilities and no backups?

    I'd say amateur.

    Though from my time working for the man it was at times hard to get companies with deep pockets to foot the bill for a proper backup system, so it isn't entirely surprising. I'd have thought his colo provider would have sold the hell out of a backup solution, though.

  5. The K-601s have bass?

    When did that happen? :doghuh:

    They have more than the a-250 and like most open cans can't really compete with closed headphones for lowish volume deep bass, and I think that's unavoidable (the dt-990's were somewhat unexiting for the deep stuff, 30-50hz or so). Well, more midbass than the Koss headphones, anyway.

    They lack the most on low bass in electronic music. Sound not unlike a k701 voiced dark. More red-brown than blueish-white. Go well with acidic coffee. The flat headband is kind of annoying if you shave your head, though.

  6. I'm drunk atm so this probably doesn't count, but I got my hands on the k601's today, and so far they seem to fit the bill - a more refined (unless it's the whiskey) and open dt-250. No trebly spikeyness of the k701.

    Me rikey rots.

    Can still hear the goddamn dehumidifier when it kicks on, but that's budget living in Mont-Chapelle. Have to wait for the honeymoon to be over, but I may be finished acquiring for a bit. Huzzah! :dance:

  7. judging on what I've seen (which is, of course, anecdotal and thus worthless), there are many things that are more likely to fail on your average mac than the optical drive.

    Like the logic board.

    Or power supply.

    i've read somewhere that netflix get's purposely high-error pressings of dvd's...which is supposedly a way to prevent many computer dvd drives from handling them.

    Snarky aside: if by letting any random monkey that can cough up ~$18 a month wipe their arse with the disc for however long they like before returning it, then yes.

    I have seen the odd distributor only style disc, but I doubt they shop for high error versions specifically, assuming that is even worth the trouble to do (which I doubt). Cheap discs perhaps.

  8. There is a very intelligent grad student here with an absolutely

    amazing rack. On more than one occasion now, when she is in the

    mood she wears name tags, one on each breast. Usually followed

    by the line "you are going to stare at them anyway, at least now

    you know their names"


    I have enough trouble with the students clothing when it breaks 70 degrees outside.

    Maybe I can find an excuse to wear sunglasses inside.

  9. Sure, but when you rolls with a union, you sometimes dies with the union. The union techs I know all have bartender jobs to fall back on anyway.

    True. And as a self-correction apparently the non-writing crew's issues are next up after the writers, so the present strike actually is relevant in a tangential sort of way.

    I hope they get some cash soon. Mah Shows ain't on.

  10. I haven't worn a watch since I lost 4 in under 6 months at shows. (The pit was always a bit rough).

    I think I'll be content watchless until I can get a HUD wired into my optic nerve a-la Gibson/Stephenson.

    Now, if a nice watch would make the farking bus run on time, that would be different.

    The fact that random strangers are less likely to ask me the time is a bonus.

  11. Since on union shows, the crews are union too, they can take it.

    They may not lose their jobs (unless the show gets canceled or they stretch it out to the point where the network can end the contract), but they're still going months without salary - I'm sure there are crew members making in the 40-50k range, and a few months without pay will still blow, and for a cause that doesn't even benefit them.

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