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Posts posted by ph0rk

  1. Apparently 1 in 10 3g iphones has SERIOUS problems in 3G. If you call AT&T they can do an OTA update that may fix it.

    Do you have a link for this? A cursory google search turned up nada. I'd assume there would be some troubleshooting one could do on their own before calling ATT and complaining.

  2. I played it a bit, carnivore->predator, omnivore->adaptable, and herbivore->[friendly?].

    Each time the city-level game was essentially claim all the territory and stomp them right away. Its all over once you build planes.

    Never bothered overmuch with the galactic exploration part, the fact that your spaceship was all window dressing made it annoying (guns and whatnot don't affect its capabilities). Just a bit more developmental TLC on each of the 5 subgames would have made for a much better product, imho.

  3. That's some pretty strange logic you've got going on there.

    That's why I used the word "feel".

    Of course, it isn't much different than the logic most Americans use to reason they should drive less because the same gas now costs more - it feels overpriced (whether or not it is). $400 is not insignificant (for me). I'm sure I'd snag another if i found one going for $200 used again. I don't think I'd pay that much for a new one, having heard both it an a mini3.

    Brass ears, etc.

  4. gilmore lite. just use an rca to mini adapter for the speakers from the loop out.

    That would work, but I have a gilmore lite at home and only paid ~200 for it, so ~400 for a new one just doesn't feel right.

    Of course, this could also be an opportunity to replace the glite at home with something nicer and take -that- to my campus office, but would have to wait a couple months for me to collect the scratch.

  5. I am looking for a compact amp with a line out for my desk at work, so I can keep my crappy powered speakers plugged in too. Source is an iPhone 3g dock, headphones are most likely k271's, if not them, either DT770's or DT250's (I need to hear the k271 first).

    So, assuming I go with the k271, I am guessing I'll want to err on the warm side of neutral, and I'd really prefer something with a small case and wall wart as "desk" and "office" are really words too strong to use for what they give us.

    My understanding of the mini3 is that it isn't easily modified for a lineout (but I would be happy to be wrong - I love the mini3). Battery functionality isn't important, but small size is. What are my options? Cmoy, M^3, and CKKIII? Can the second two be shoehorned in a smaller case if they use an external transformer? Can someone work miracles with a mini3?

    Budget is uncertain, but I'd be happy if it somehow miraculously stayed in the mini3 pricerange, but I'm an enthusiast and often drunk so nothing is certain.

    Well, except that I prefer solid state and I'm too shaky to build it myself.

  6. I'm most likely going to grad school or med school after graduation. I just have to figure out which. I really want to do something with medicine/health but I'm not sure what

    Public Health!!!

    no, actually, don't do that.

  7. One of the thing about becoming part of a new community is learning the rituals (like sticking a new headphone in a drawer for 300 hours with a CD on repeat). Once learned, the new members defend the ritual as a boundary marker with the zeal of the converted. Older members that cling to the ritual often do so to delegitimate others (You only burned your headphones in for 500 hours?! Of course they sounded bad!).

    A similar process is at work with "accepted facts" as well, and like the ritualistic behaviors these can live on long after the group member that originally proposed (or deduced) the fact has moved on.

    Er. Right. Back to exams.

  8. Forgive the noobery, but who still builds M3's? I feel like I'd like something along those lines configured for maximum warmishness, but I don't know who to contact, other than thrice.

    not that he did a bad job with my mini3, but they aren't on his website, so if there is anyone who is more actively building M3's...

  9. but note that you can never use basses on guitar amps.

    they go boom.

    but guitar pickups on basses, now thats sweet.

    Not entirely true, but you have to take care because damage to the speakers is a possibility.

    re: guitar through a bass amp: Some of the old classic blues amps were bass amps.

  10. I read in a newspaper today that he was having trouble sleeping while being in the role of the Joker, so he started to take sleeping pills.

    And yea, they're done filming, so no delay. Cold as ice.

    I know it's "acting", but I don't think I've ever seen an actor pull off a crazy-as-fark character without being more than a little twisted themselves. It is almost as if they must sprinkle (or pour) a dash of their own special flavor of insane or else the performance comes off like pauly shore.


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