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Posts posted by lostonetr

  1. @lostonetr, I used to have a similar blip problem with my D1. Turned out to be the USB cable. It was very screwy. I changed to the one that came with my Canon camera and it solved the problem. :palm:

    I dunno if the problem you're having is the same problem or not, but I thought I'd just mention that anyway, just in case. ;)

    Hey wrecked, I'll definitely check on that. Thanks for the tip. The blip is quite hard to describe..almost like a pop...always happens on the right side of the audio for me.

  2. I leave it on Asio usually (though it might be the fake asio that is really just KS) with my M-Audio Transit. Need to look into a different way though...every now and then I get a little blip in sound-- If I jump back a few seconds and replay, it ain't there. So it isn't the music, something's happening elsewhere, and I believe it's the Transit.

  3. I think the beresford is a pretty good deal for it's price.

    But it in no way is a giant killer. And as "perfect" as it sounds to some user, when the next model/revision comes out, all of a sudden it improves on flaws/faults that were not previously mentioned before by them.

    Quite a few laptops these days have optical out from the onboard soundcard. Maybe you can hook up direct from your laptop to DAC that way. The emu 0404 works for some as a DAC by itself, and going emu 0404 --> Beresford seems a bit pricy. There might be a better combination for the money.

    The M-Audio USB Transit is a cheaper way to go usb -> optical -> DAC., at about $50 used I believe

    I can't say how it compares in performance to units like the USB Thingee/Trends UD-10.1/hagtech usb.

  4. If you poison my charts with that x japan crap I'm banning you from head-case

    whoaz. I only clicked add to library outa curiosity. Didn't scrobble anything. But just in case...let me go take that off of the library <3.

    --update. er... I can't remove it from the library T_T. I guarentee it'll have 0 plays, but hm.. I'll probably make a diff dummy account..and put him in.

    I have three dummy accounts. Reply or PM if you want me to join your groups.

    I do too. http://www.last.fm/group/00143

  5. Hi all. I had meh00 join deepak and grawk's group.

    Link to my 00143 Group at Last.fm

    In addition, if all you guys need are weekly stats, I can put my older (no longer in use account) into the groups too. It's got alota stuff scrobbled.. but only inthe past. Don't know if that'll all time charts. I'd assume not if the group's are based on time of creation.

  6. I'll also get around to doing this maybe tomorrow (think I'm working, so that's when I plan to do it). Need at least 3 just to keep the group in existence..and the 10 for charts I had not read yet.

    I also have a previous account, that had alota music scrobbled, but hasn't had a scrobble for a few months-- since I've been using the new account for a bit now. Would it be safe to have my old account join the chart groups too? (It won't try to add in my last week of stats, whenever that week was, right?)

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