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Everything posted by GrindingThud

  1. I may go that route, but figured I'd try to get on someone else's run to help keep everyone's costs down. Is there a suggested service that has successfully done a run with these files? Thanks for the reply!
  2. I've got some PMs out to try and get a board set (lil knight). Any other leads would be appreciated. Looks like this is going to be a cool build.
  3. PM sent, thanks. I did not want to go editing the spreadsheet without making contact 1st. This is going to be an awesome build.
  4. Ooo, looks like. I may be late to the party. Are there any KSA5 board sets left? I'm interested in doing a build. Thanks!
  5. Wandered over from some of the other forums....this build caught my eye. Nice! Thinking about doing one....
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