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Everything posted by JimP

  1. JimP

    beatles vs. stones

    alright, I voted for the Stones, they actually put on a good live show - Mick Jagger's a wanker but I'm a big fan of Keith Richards. (I digress, but one of my all-time favorite songs is a duet between Tom Waits and Keith Richards -- 'That Feel' on Bone Machine. They never have this song as a karaoke selection, because I think I can sing this one...two donkeys braying, awesome)
  2. JimP

    beatles vs. stones

    neither - both have ripped off KC - check it, SPLHCB album cover - Beatles stole those costume ideas from KC. And the Stones blatantly copied their songs.
  3. I'm using K1000 and DT880-600, both known for it's high end. I've gone back and forth with and without the goldenjacks. So far, I can't tell any difference. Again, this is with Almarro A205AmkII amp and 840C source. Maybe my ears suck (not unlikely given all the rock concerts I've attended to date; now I'm grown up -- I attend operas and classical concerts )
  4. Beefy, thanks a lot for your recommendation!!! So far, for headphones, these seem to serve its purpose (I cannot tell you how annoying being restricted to 7 - 8 o'clock is, in day-to-day use). Next test is full speakers - I have an Omega Super 5 + DeepHemp Cube Sub on order that I will also run off my Almarro. If the attenuation is too much, I can separately run an XLR to RCA (these are custom Premium 'Aniston' special cables) to the second set of inputs on the Almarro. That is, goldenjacks in the chain for my K1000/DT880-600, and straight up input for the Omegas. Will see how that works out.
  5. Also I will add that now I can use the DT880-600ohm effectively out of the Almarro, this is quite an amazing combo - huge soundstage, fulsome sound, no sibilance, tons of detail (better than out of my Earmax AE). Yes, the K1000 may better it, but the gap is pretty narrow. These goldenjacks are worth it, if only in elevating my DT880-600ohm. Right now 70% of my listening is DT880-600ohm, 20% K1000, 10% HD650. [Do not mistake these DT880-600ohm with other DT880 versions]
  6. OK I just got these goldenjacks, -14 dB version, so far they seem to do the trick. I'm not a cable/plug freak but these are the nicest plugs I've ever seen: Before I was severely limited with my volume knob from 7 o'clock to 8 o'clock (very annoying). Now I can go to about 10 o'clock on the K1000, and 9 o'clock on the DT880-600ohm - a bit more with classical music (maybe I should have gone with the -20 dB version?). Tried it on my Bryston B60R as well, and gives me a lot more volume control play with the HD650 (may order another set for the B60R). Does it degrade/alter sound? I don't know/I can't tell/I'm not going to obsess over it. Will report back after some longterm listen. BTW, the goldenjack dude is very helpful. [YMMV, the 'culprit in my system is the 840C - a wonderful DAC and CD player - CD player mode severely restricts my volume levels compared to DAC only]
  7. OK not that anyone cares, but I put an order in for an Omega Super 5 http://www.omegaloudspeakers.com/super5.html This is much smaller than the Super Hemps, but probably better suits my den purposes. Who knows, if this experiment works out, I may pursue a full size high efficiency speaker in the future, as some of you have recommended.
  8. JimP

    slow forum

    TOKYO, Japan (AP) -- A homeless woman who sneaked into a man's house and lived undetected in his closet for a year was arrested in Japan after he became suspicious when food mysteriously began disappearing. Police found the 58-year-old woman Thursday hiding in the top compartment of the man's closet and arrested her for trespassing, police spokesman Hiroki Itakura from southern Kasuya town said Friday. The resident of the home installed security cameras that transmitted images to his mobile phone after becoming puzzled by food disappearing from his kitchen over the past several months. One of the cameras captured someone moving inside his home Thursday after he had left, and he called police believing it was a burglar. However, when they arrived they found the door locked and all windows closed. "We searched the house ... checking everywhere someone could possibly hide," Itakura said. "When we slid open the shelf closet, there she was, nervously curled up on her side." The woman told police she had no place to live and first sneaked into the man's house about a year ago when he left it unlocked. The closet is part of a Japanese-style room, one of several rooms in his one-story house where the man lived alone -- or so he had thought. Police were investigating how she managed to go in and out of the house unnoticed, as well as details of her life inside the closet, and if she had taken anything else besides food. She had moved a mattress into the small closet space and apparently even took showers, Itakura said, calling the woman "neat and clean."
  9. Omega responded and said they can ship to HK (big surprise as I'm paying for it). Good point DC, I'll try to find a local dealer with single driver speakers this weekend and check, before pulling the trigger. These wouldn't be for cranking -- headphone's only for rocking out. But I want more substantive than just background music...you know in my den, where I ponder cerebrally about the technical merits of the R10s, and things like that.
  10. no, no...I'm ryan seacrest...no I'm Mr. Whipple...no I'm the hand, just the Hand (but that's a gay hand...I'm confused) [mods, please lock this thread for its own sake, and ban the numbnut Original Poster for starting this thread...]
  11. and this one... :rant: http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?spkrmoni&1216575283
  12. I wish I were in US... http://cgi.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/auc.pl?spkrmoni&1212371652&auc&3&4&
  13. OK I'm kind of circling around the Omega speakers (thanks for tip, never heard of these before this thread), maybe something like the Compact Hemp. They don't have a dealer out here, I've sent an email to see if they would ship to HK. As they're bookshelf type speakers, I hope the shipping wouln't be too prohibitive. This will be for a den, I cannot claim the living room. Not that I put 100% faith in it, but it gives me some comfort that the very few online reviews actually were with Almarro amps, and even the Omega company owner seems to own an Almarro A205A. If they can ship, do you think I should stretch to the Super Hemps? about $600 difference (I could -secretly - just ratchet down from premium organic baby food to normal stuff for a month I suppose...no harm, no foul) http://www.omegaloudspeakers.com/products.html
  14. Your momma sucks, alright?!!! ... I can't erase this thread! I've already been reprimanded by boomana... don't pile on!
  15. Elephas, you haven't been there in awhile? As I...they've expanded significantly
  16. thnx Reks, I will try this one tomorrow night (I will survive on my own)
  17. I'm jealous of you guys in New England...I'm in a John Irving reading phase -- eg, Hotel New Hampshire, Cider House Rules, World According To Garp, Widow For A Year, etc -- seems like a wonderful place I would like to visit some day, half-way around the world. OK, to stay on topic -- cold pasta with canned tomato sauce (the wife is away for 2 weeks, she took the baby and our domestic helper) Any basic survival recipes (simple and easy), send them to me.
  18. JimP

    slow forum

    [ok I'll stop and go to sleep now...]
  19. JimP

    slow forum

    I really don't get this...like tabasco on ice cream
  20. hey where did you procure that? (not that I need another amp...but my HD650s are wimpering to be disciplined)
  21. the goldenjacks guy was extremely helpful, he went out of his way to research the 840c and Almarro on his own. I put an order in for a -14dB set.
  22. I've been reprimanded by Boomana. I take this seriously - I'm sorry. I'll take this silliness down (after 24 hours...). but the R10s were that good...in my confused mind. goodnight, I'll walk the straight and narrow starting tomorrow. JimP
  23. I can't quite decipher this...but there's some weird poetic mesmerizing symmetry to it. I'm going to stay up the next couple of hours trying to figure this out
  24. You be the judge, there are similarities...
  25. So I went down to Kingsound in Mongkok - Hong Kong (http://www.headphonehk.com/, I have no affiliation, but highly recommended - I've purchased a lot of stuff over the years from them), to pick up some mundane cables as I'm re-dabbling with portable audio. I see a small group there so I saunter over, looks like some friendly locals having some sort of mini-meet at the store!. Holy shit, I see a R10...I've never seen or heard one. So I politely ask the group if I could take a listen, not sure what the source was, they were using a McCormack Head Drive (??!!, not sure of spelling) -- this is just 3-5 minutes, but wow, just wow. For a nanosecond I thought about bolting and stealing it (this thought has never crossed me with any product in my whole life), but I thought better as there was 8 of them vs. me. At current price, no way I'm ever going to own one. But I appreciate by happenstance I was able to hear and touch an R10. (fwiw, I'd take SJ's tatas over R10s anyday )
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