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Posts posted by EdipisReks1

  1. Oh, it doesn’t retain much (you should see what the Ode with SSP retains in comparison, and I would consider it a fairly low retention grinder, even though it was certainly not designed to grind fine for espresso, and the finer you grind the more retention you’ll get). The Niche certainly doesn’t retain enough for me to worry about it, for sure: the bellows for me is really just going to be for periodic cleaning, but thought I would mention that it would indeed get all the coffee out each time!

    Going to use the Breville tomorrow; it would be a lot easier on my life if it and the Flair 58 successfully take the same grind size. The Flair Pro2 has to be slightly coarser, due to the height of the puck, and I either had to use a different grinder for each, with both dialed in or fiddle around. 

  2. That sounds great to me, Sam! You are going to have a little variation on timing even using the same beans and same settings. Does that machine have an auto preinfusion? Also, make sure you are timing from when the pump starts (the Acaia should be sensitive enough to do that, but just wanted to make sure).

    I steam the milk first, then set it on a warmer, and then pull my shot. I find it to work better for me that way, but YMMV. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, grawk said:

    the only non-cow milk I've found to be successful for microfilm is "barista" oat milk

    Oh, I’ve done all kinds. Oat milk works great, and while it doesn’t taste like milk it works similarly taste wise to me, almond is harder, but I like the taste better, soy is… well, it’s possible to do. 

    Soy just doesn’t seem to have enough of whatever it is that does it. Also it’s awful.

    Where it really is is macadamia nut milk! It basically works the same way as whole milk, and tastes delicious (“my latte is a snickerdoodle!”).

    • Haha 1
  4. Nice, Sam! I think that looks good. Though I do suggest doing a longer shot. In a 58 mm basket I’m like 18.5 in to 45 out in a little under 30 seconds (if I do all of my stuff correctly anyway). 

    That milk texture looks good; are you using whole? If you want a real challenge get some soy milk!

    And that coffee table was my dining room table (it’s just a work table from IKEA; it always had a table cloth, so why get something nice looking). I also live alone and haven’t, uh, thrown a lot of dinner parties in the last 2 years (no idea why) so I figured it was more useful for this than just being a place for cats to sit and stare at me! It has really made life easier, having the space, though I have too much shit to quite comfortably keep everything I use regularly on it, now. 

    • Like 1
  5. Not close to calibrated out of the box (and there is a large safety factor between “calibrated” and chirping, but I don’t particularly want to grind coffee beans unto talcum powder, so that’s okay) but boy is that an easy calibration process. This is dead center in the espresso range after calibrating to the manual’s process. Lots of range there. 


    • Like 1
  6. 3 hours ago, EdipisReks1 said:

    John Lennon/Plastic Ono Band. Going through the takes. It’s… amazing. 24/192 on Apple Music. 

    Take 6 of “Love” is, wow: this should have gone on the album. I also just realized that the intro is essentially the same as that for “Yesterday:” I instinctively started singing “Yesterday.”


    I understand why this is an out-take: it is slow and jangly and a little out of tune. But wow.

  7. I mean, this is who I always wanted to look like. I can fairly well approximate that, but I don’t have the hat. I can’t pull off a trilby. 

    Also I’m just me and not an icon.


    • Like 1
  8. Just an interesting aside; the last letter Ellison sent to Heather’s mentor was not successfully delivered. It was in the late-60s, and Alan was a doctoral student having just finished his dissertation who lived in NYC and constantly was moving.

    Well, that letter was found, somehow (delivered to an old address with no forwarding, I suppose, but I have no idea how one would even begin to track that down), because it’s in The Selected Letters of Ralph Ellison, and Alan read it for the first time in that book.

    In twenty-fucking-nineteen.

    He obviously never responded to that letter (every correspondence has a final note; I will remember several of my own final received notes for the rest of my life, often final because my correspondent became deceased before I could respond), and that must have been a moment with a lot of mixed and powerful emotions. 

    I can only assume they talked and met many times after (Ellison dying in the 90s, and American Lit being a fairly small field), but my understanding is that the letter certainly wasn’t brought up.

    Life is funny. Also I want that watch!!

  9. An interesting article! I’m three (or is it two? I never know how to count these things, which suggests one shouldn’t trust my p-value calculations)* degrees from Ralph Ellison (my partner’s mentor was mentored by Ellison). He had the model precisely one before my Pre-Moon, a 1968 145.012 vs 1969 145.022, which is what I would have preferred even without it being Ralph Ellison’s!


    *I guess three; I’ve met Jake Gyllenhaal, as I will tell anybody whom I think vaguely will listen (he and I are precisely the same height in dress shoes; I checked and he was very polite), and I’m one degree from him, so three follows logically in this case. 

  10. If I’m in NC for longer than two weeks I typically take my NAIM MuSo2, which is quite large, but this is a trip where I am having to make decisions; the Tiguan really doesn’t have that much room even with the roof bag, and the cats take up a lot of room. 

    There also may not be kitchen counter space. 

    1 hour ago, HemiSam said:

    I don't think it's heavy for a home unit, but for traveling it feels like a bit much.

    Then again. you should see my toolbox on my trailer when I used to take my Challenger racing...packing weight.


    And see, this is why I started only driving other people’s cars around Mid-Ohio!

    • Haha 1
  11. Packing up for my trip to Greensboro next week (I do this gradually so as to not let the cats know anything is about to happen). Not as fancy as Dan’s set-up, but I like it. Now the question is: do I pack the Niche, if it arrives in time, or do I pack a/the hand grinder(s): you know; the things I bought specifically for this use case (we all know the answer: I’ll pack all of them, if possible).


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  12. Trying to figure out why one of these was $50 and the other was $10, other than “Jacob is a gullible dipshit with a credit card:” The Subminimal is a little nicer, but it ain’t 5x nicer. 2.35x nicer, tops. The anodized finish on both is, as far as I can tell (and I used a loupe) absolutely identical. 


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