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Posts posted by aerius

  1. I did some thinking the other day and it occured to me that the best Grado tube amps I've heard to date were all transformer output. The PPX3 Slam I heard, while nice, doesn't have the bottom end control and slam that Biggie's tube amp and mine have. Both our amps are transformer output push-pull amps, his uses triode-connected EL34's and mine uses 6BX7's at the moment, loads of power and control for Grados. Given the low impedance of Grados, I think a transformer output would be the way to go.

  2. How many questions do you need me to answer Billy? I been off the planet for a while and there's no way I'm gonna be able to answer all those.

    I'm not Billy, but I also have a question for you.

    Does your penis tingle when you sneeze?

  3. Since you mention that you want a pre-amp out to drive power amps for the K1000, there might actually be another way to do this. I believe 5687 just got his transformer output Singlepower built up, this would allow a low impedance output tap for driving Grados and a medium to high impedance output tap to provide the higher voltage swings required for the K1000.

    It should be possible since my own DIY amp which uses output transformers and 6SN/BL/BX7 output tubes can drive the K1000 pretty well. I tried out the K1000 on my amp at a meet and I was quite happy with the sound.

  4. I am, but the K340 is not current production and has been discontinued for ages. Tube amp's done, but I recently thought up a new idea that I'm building.

    I first heard the RS-1 about half a year or so after I got my Senn 580's. They made the Senns sound like a broken piece of crap. I've since heard the RS-1 quite a few times and the first impressions continue to hold up. If I didn't have a K340 and a Grado 225, I'd likely have an RS-1 by now.

  5. Out of all the current production headphones I've heard so far, the RS-1 is still my favourite. Senns, meh, AKG's, snore, Beyers, fucking painful treble, Sony, see Beyer, Stax, nice but not really my thing, Grado, that's where the music's at. IMO, most other headphones play hi-fi, Grados play music, and the RS-1 to me is still the best current production Grado.

  6. Was aimlessly poking around and came across these powered monitors: http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/MAudioEXSeriesEX66ReferenceMonitors-focus.html.

    Assuming it is accurate (why shouldn't it be from a reputable company with real testing facilities?), this is one of the best FR graphs I've ever seen from a speaker:

    If I had to take a guess, there's a crapload of EQ in there to make the response that flat, plus they did a whole bunch of smoothing on the curve to make it flatter yet.

  7. I respect what Jude has done in the past for the headphone hobby, key words, done, and past. What he's been doing in the past year or so and what he continues to do now has pretty much used up that bank of prior respect and will soon put that respect into negative territory. And that's sad and unfortunate, but life goes on.

  8. Going by what I heard at the Hamilton meet the Senns definitely respond better to balancing, and between the 600 & 650 I prefered the 650. However I've heard a bunch of 650's now and every single one of them has sounded different to varying degrees while the 4 or so pairs of 600's have been pretty much identical. Puzzles the hell out of me.

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