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Dusty Chalk

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Posts posted by Dusty Chalk

  1. 15 hours ago, Augsburger said:

    I used the last of my truffle salt this evening on my pasta. Any recommendations for a reputable truffle shipper or a truffle salt. We are at the end of truffle season so I am guessing truffle salt is my only option. So far Urbani is the lead for truffle salt but I would like to try others. Any recommendations?


    Truff now make a variety of Truffle-based products outside of their hot sauce range, I imagine they'd be alright (I've only ever had their hot sauces and pasta sauces):

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  2. 8 hours ago, mikeymad said:

    ^ literally, just one of my favorite albums of all time. When it came out in the early 80s on Windham Hill records, it blew my mind. I didn't know that music like that could exist and be played by one person on one piano. Same thing happened when I heard Michael Hedges playing the guitar. Happy to have had the chance to see both of them live back in the day. Thanks for the reminder Ric.

    I literally just posted elsewhere that his version (seen him live regularly on his December circuits) of Carol of the Bells is one of the few examples of Xmas music I can stand.  I could have taken this video -- this angle is literally what I remember most about him -- always tried to get a seat slightly to stage right so that I could see him play.


    What's funny is that my style of improvising on the piano is very similar -- I distinctly remember that feeling of "running out of keyboard" at the top and just playing the same riff over and over until I could figure out a way to unpaint myself out of the corner.  😆

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  3. 10 minutes ago, HiWire said:

    Finally finished the first season of The Expanse!


    Oh my gosh, you are in for such a treat -- it just gets better and better.  It's not perfect, but it's so superior to so many other things in so many other ways, that those minor missteps are easily forgiven.

    Me:  watched season 1 of The Devil's Hour -- what a great show, but I need more, like, yesterday.

  4. 43 minutes ago, skullguise said:

    ... Cyber Security virtual seminar (day 1 of 3 days!)...

    3 days?!?!?  FFFFUUUUUUUUUU...

    GIF by HyperX

    Mine's an hour, and I sometimes feel I'm the only one who takes it seriously.

    I had a guy constantly haranguing me to help him circumvent security so he could print stuff out.

    I reported him.

    He doesn't work here any more.

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  5. On 11/4/2022 at 9:46 AM, en480c4 said:

    Finished this up last night.  Thoroughly enjoyed it.  I can see how it was an unplanned addition to the three-book series, and it does a great job of filling in a lot of gaps.  Just a minor issue...


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    I have to admit I didn't love the last chapter or epilogue.  I didn't think the action was particularly easy to follow in the last chapter, and while I like the different writing styles to differentiate points of view, the epilogue was a challenge and requires at least one re-read before the series goes away until Alecto.  


    Not going to argue with any of that.  I, too, thoroughly enjoyed it; I, too...


    ...think I may have missed something, but have yet to re-read, for reasons totally unrelated.

    Started this:

    Programming Quantum Computers [Book]

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