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Dusty Chalk

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Dusty Chalk last won the day on February 6

Dusty Chalk had the most liked content!

About Dusty Chalk

  • Birthday 10/20/1963

Profile Information

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  • Biography
    I am a cat person
  • Location
    MD/DC/VA area
  • Interests
    Music, movies
  • Occupation
    Software Engineer/Programmer
  • Hobbies
    Music, movies
  • Headphones
    Audio-Technica L3000,A950Ltd/Grado HP2,PS1/Sony MDR-F1/AKG K501,K271MkII/Beyer DT770 (several versions)/Fostex T50RP,T40RP/bunch o' others
  • Headphone Amps
    Singlepower Supra++/SDS--...sort of; EarMax Pro
  • Sources
    SACDMods-modded Denon 3910; M-Audio Sonica
  • Other Audio Gear
    Cables, of course

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Super Secret Ultra Gold Member

Super Secret Ultra Gold Member (6/6)



  1. @Augsburger thought of you the other day when I was contemplating what to get from a local H-mart. Delicious, can recommend.
  2. Happy belated birthday, Jeff! (party favour noise)
  3. Saw this, made me think of you people: That speaker placement at the end, though. (cringe)
  4. So...you're now a "vaccine influencer"? Is that like the opposite of a denier? Me: I started learning Rust.
  5. What happened to the M2 iPad? I thought I read where they were going to give the iPad Mundane (easier to say than 'non-Pro, non-Mini, non-Air') the M2 chip. Or is that going to be one of those "silent" releases?
  6. Happy belated! Hope it was great! (party favour noise)
  7. If I had any money at all, I'd be supporting this. I would LOVE to get my name in the credits: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_jE2-dPn_P/
  8. Not sure why "trumpgoblin" isn't a thing.
  9. The The, Ensoulment Still pulling no punches, just an ace fucking songwriter Fills the void left by Roger Waters, who has become so full of himself, he's disappeared up his own asshole and come back out the other side as a Gerald Scarfe caricature of himself.
  10. RIP two students and two teachers at Apalachee High School in Georgia, 4 senseless deaths attributable to gun violence. I am still pro 2A, as I do not blame the gun. But Jeezy Peezy, why are school shootings a thing? I was just giving Jordan Klepper (The Daily Show) a fact-check/hard time about his recent piece questioning right wing nut jobs about gun violence. It almost feels ... set up. Choreographed, even. I'm going to stand against the 2A community and say, yes, there should be a law against teenagers and children being able to handle guns without adult supervision. Hormones are real. It's the same reason there's an age limit to driving a car.
  11. I, too, would like to declare my love of A Secret Wish and Wishful Thinking. I think I will give those a relisten as well. I mean, it is that classic late 80's synth-pop sound, and that ridiculously interesting-sounding Synclavier experimentation...
  12. In that spirit: And one that's not so much "funny" as "relatable"
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