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Posts posted by skullguise

  1. Saw my favorite band (or the lead singer Mark Burgess and other non-original members) The Chameleons last night.  Met the guitarist in the Mexican restaurant next door, had a nice chat.  Got to meet up with several folks I know from FB-land, one couple came from about 2 hours away!  Fun times!

    After their set, Mark came out and was chatting with a bunch of us at the Merchandise table.  I got this idea - having had my son with me to see his two-person live show recently - to ask him to wish my son a happy birthday for next month.  Mark was awesome to oblige, and I have a nice video I will send Andrew on his BDay!



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  2. A long belated RIP to a cousin by marriage....my Stepfather's nephew Barry, who was a musician under the name Barri.

    I found out from my Stepbrother just today that he had passed in 2020, apparently of some kind of cancer; he hadn't been in touch with the family in years so even my Stepbrother only just found out.

    I have one of his CD's, it's a pretty darn good and musical one of modern Reggae influenced by some Roots.

    This is a Promo pic from a single off his CD, he had dreadlocks down to his ankles!

    Obit: https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/itemlive/name/barri-cohen-obituary?pid=197826978


    Barri Single Pic.jpg

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  3. 9 minutes ago, swt61 said:

    She has been one of my favorite female vocalist since the 80's! Definitely in my top five.

    Love her too....amazing talent, and powerful voice.  Her version of "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" eclipses Roberta Flack's by a good margin for me, and that version was already fantastic.  On a side note, amazing that the song was written by Ewan MacColl, amazing himself, and father to the ever-lovely Kirsty MacColl (RIP).

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