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Everything posted by postjack

  1. First, fastest response ever. Second, that was what I naturally thought, but in a thread at Head-Fi, Iron Dreamer told me he thought the DA100 and DA220 sounded identical. With the 220 I would be getting my multiple outputs (though one is XLR, but I think I can get some adapters for that), and I might still purchase it just for that purpose, but for the price increase I would hope for at least some upgrade in overall SQ, which is why I'm still fishing around for suggestions to research.
  2. Was reading through this thread because I'm considering buying a DAC with multiple outputs, so I can at some point in the future have two amps running off one source. I currently have the Stello DA100 which I like, any suggestions for a DAC that is a side-grade or upgrade (in your opinion) with the mentioned multiple outputs would be appreciated. So far as the difference between hard drive and CDP transport: I have both my computer connected to my DA100 and my (admittedly cheap) SCD-CE595 connected to it, so I can switch between the two with a flick of the dial. Several times I have started the same song at the same time, or even better, one a few seconds behind the other, and switched back and forth between the CDP and hard drive (flac for the record). I remember one night in particular when I almost maniacally spent way to much time trying to compare the CDP and hard drive listening to Morrissey do "How Soon Is Now" on "Live At Earl's Court". My stunning conclusion was that they sounded different, but I could not pick one that was better then the other. I love the convenience of the foobar library, and EAC makes ripping super easy and fast once it gets setup correctly. But some nights I just don't feel like messing with software, so I throw a few CDs in the sony and listen that way.
  3. To be fair: does the iPod truly sound "bad"? IMO, no, it doesn't sound "bad". I do own a 1g shuffle I bought for 35 bucks on the bay, it sounds nice. My beef with the iPod is really more of a beef with the mp3 culture. Maybe I just feel silly for spending so much money on mp3's and DRM protected music and iPods before I got into this hobby and found the mp3 sq lacking in my home rig.
  4. I was responding to grawk's comments that the ipod sounds better then the dac1, to which iron dreamer responded "lol", so I thought grawk was making a joke about the DAC1. I'd always heard the DAC1 was a good sounding dac, just wanted to get some clarification on grawk's statement. Yeah I've owned lots and lots of ipods. I have owned a first generation, an ipod photo, and a 2g nano. The first two broke after a year, the 2g nano I sold after I got into non-portable audio. I don't think anybody needs to perpetuate a myth that the iPod sounds bad, it does that fine all by itself.
  5. I honestly heard no difference between the two.
  6. However, they also told me to get an HD650 cable on them, and I did, and it added an aura of sonic excellence unmatched since the grateful dead built their infamous "wall of sound". seriously, no matter what I listened to with the HD580's with the stock cable, it sounded like someone stuck a microphone up their ass and ran up and down a flight of stairs recording what came out. Once I hooked up the HD650 cable it was like "the veil" was lifted. all the sound was brighter, warmer, more detailed, darker, it really brought in the soundstage while simultaneously expanding it into new frontiers of sound and hope, and all around sonic aural excellence has since ensued. its like before the sound was constrained and like horse shit, and afterwards like a fine delicious pastry.
  7. :'( :'( :'( Yeah, that sounds about right.
  8. I can sense you might be using a bit of hyperbole, but do you really think the DAC1 is that bad? I've never heard one myself.
  9. Your responses have made me rethink my position. First off, I never considered that it is not necessarily about the SQ, as it is about the "geeking", i.e. look at this cool amplifier I got on my iPod. Second off, I understand that a lot of newbies have an iPod before they ever come to Head-Fi, already think it is the end all be all of audio equipment, and come just looking for a new set of cans, then are told they need an amp, yadda yadda, the cycle begins. Third off, I would be remiss if I didn't say I was one of those kids. I came to Head-Fi "looking for the best headphones under $100 for my ipod and playing games lol". And before my journey into this hobby I was an iPod/Apple FANATIC. I was crazy about iPods. Heck, I bought a 2g nano back in september, but I ended up selling it a couple months later when I realized it just didn't suit my purposes, since I listened to the vast majority of my tunes at home, I had no need for portability. But I did use the search engine, and posted LOTS of questions, and engaged in lots of conversation via back channel PMs and e-mails, and in general have spent many many hours reading through years worth of posts on Head-Fi: I did all this and I managed NOT to buy a Tomahawk or a Hornet, or an Audio Line Out Cotton Platinum Diamond Coated Super Duper Dock of Fun Times and Sonic Excellence SQ, or any bullshit like that. Before I go anywhere in life, much less the internet, I'm always quick to put on my bullshit filter. Regardless, it wasn't until recently I talked to a friend of ours and took the proverbial blue pill, so to speak. I do agree that the type of shady marketing that apparently goes on over at Head-Fi will hurt this hobby in the long run. Heck, I'm all for making money, and I hold little sympathy for suckers, AND I am of the opinion that any given internet forum should be moderated with at least an aluminum fist, but if the type of things I'm told go on over at Head-Fi do indeed go on, thats pretty crappy.
  10. Did anyone here get those cheap RS-1's at audiogon? http://cgi.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cl.pl?spkrmoni&1173925789 he never responded to my email, says "sale pending" now.
  11. I don't understand portable audio. Excellent sound quality will never come out of a portable DAC no matter how much red wine you pour on it (or drink for that matter). I understand the greater public at large being obsessed with their iToys, but I don't understand why the audiophile community continues to rant and rave about their hornets and tomahawks and all that bullshit. I swear, every other fucking post at Head-Fi is "omg my fucking tomahawk arrived its so awesome out of my new nano lol sonic excellence yay". I'm definitely no expert on audio, but I think I know enough to know that you will not get great sound out of a portable player running mp3's with a subpar DAC. Could someone tell me what the obsession is, please? Even better, could someone tell me where I am wrong? And then I look at pics from any given meet and I see people testing out amps which run thousands of dollars running off a fucking ipod dock. shit fuck, i mean, come on. Sorry to unload, I'm just so fucking sick of all the stupid fucking tomahawk posts fucking up MY amplification forum at Head-Fi. Keep it in your portable audio forum, you fuckin' fucks.
  12. Oh, you already have both! Fantastic! I remember now seeing the pictures over at the other forum. Looking forward to hearing your impressions.
  13. I'm really looking forward to a comparison between the Extreme and Extreme Platinum. Earl, is it true that you ordered a Platinum recently? So you can do a comparison for us? Before the 31st?
  14. Thanks all for your responses, gives me a lot to chew on.
  15. I'm primarily a Senn guy, though I enjoy my SR225 from time to time, kind of like a fun diversion. I'm listening to Depeche Mode's "I Want You Now" right now, the fun, upfront sound is just cool, puts a smile on my face . I've especially enjoyed them since I got my PPX3 Slam, they benefit a lot from warmer amplification. What I want is to hear the Grado sound with more clarity and bass extension. Will I get this from the RS-1? Yeah I know the price is outrageous, but there is a beater user grade pair for sale over at Head-Fi right now for under 500, and it has me thinking. So whats the real story here? Is the RS-1 a decent enough can or is it kind of... well... mass hysteria bullshit? Thanks.
  16. I love some fresh brewed coffee ground from fresh beans. I have a great little grinder I bought for 20 bucks, and I received a battery powered vacuum sealed coffee bean holder for Christmas, which keeps my beans fresh. I usually drink it black, but sometimes add just a touch of skim milk. This week I bought soy milk to see how I liked it in my coffee, and honestly I don't like it that much. Back to the skim next week.
  17. I'll be the one with the lame answer and say the HD580's from amazon for 125USD shipped. Not exactly the most super secret exclusive deal ever or anything, but in my opinion these are world class headphones at a ridiculous price. I paid twice as much for my HD650's (250USD for 650's is a good price as well, imo) and enjoy both headphones just about equally. I've ordered some HD600 grills from Sennheiser to see if they really do add more "bass extension". If nothing else they'll look nicer.
  18. Thought I'd chime in and say I recently purchased the 970HD specifically for watching DVD's. Its a great no-nonsense player with a fantastic picture, plus it comes with a free 6ft HDMI cord. I've read over on the AVS forums that Oppo's customer service is top notch, but luckily I haven't had the need to use it yet. I know nothing of its capabilities as a CD player, though.
  19. I do a poor job of following new music, there is just so much great music that has stood the test of time I have yet to hear. So I find myself more researching and listening to older bands and albums (mostly 80's with some 70's and 90's, to grossly oversimplify). But I'll try to think of some 2006 records I really enjoyed. Ghostface Killah - Fishscale Sales have been disappointing (as of a week ago the album hadn't even gone gold), but I believe Fishscale has cemented Tony Stark's new role as the dangerous darling of the rock snob critical community. The opening tune, "Shakey Dog", is the most ridiculous hip-hop song I've heard all year, meaning it's intensity blew my mind the first time I heard it, as well as in subsequent listens. Ghost purportedly meticulously selected the beats for these tracks from a pool of hundreds, and they definitely want for nothing. The MF Doom produced tracks (Clipse of Doom and Underwater) are wonderfully bizarre, and even the obvious attempt at a single, "Back Like That", is a pretty good tune I listened to for a couple of weeks. Is Fishscale better then Supreme Clientele? Nah, but its still damn good. Assemblage 23 - Storm Futurepop record, definitely not everybody's cup of tea, but the pounding beats, consistently good production, and well-written lyrics with a flair for the melodramatic without venturing into emo-esqe territory were exactly what I needed at one point this year. Wow, two records, thats all I can think of right now.
  20. I bought my HD650's used, and they were well broken in by the time they arrived. Maybe to broken in! Meaning that when I received my brand new 580's and strapped them to my cranium, the tight grip felt great! Now I'm wondering if it's possible to re-tighten my HD650's a bit. Man y'all have some great smilies on this board.
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