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Posts posted by Duggeh

  1. I'm down to one dynamic, the Float 2. The last dynamic I bought was the DR100 and they lasted only 3 days (the time until the SFI drivers arrived) before I took them apart. Then the Orthodome was born.

    Currently running on 1 AMT, 1 stat, 1 piezo, 1 ortho, 1 dynamic and the surrounder, which defies classification. But I'd make room in my bosom for many more, K1000, Ergo 2, Yamaha YH-5M, they'd all be nice.

    The iPod is right near the top of its amp output to get the Orthodome at listening levels I'm comfortable with, but perhaps I listen at a lower volume than many people. Or perhaps the method and type of damping and the housing plays a big part in the overall efficiency.

  2. Tragically 30 watts into 88dB and no sub doesn't give me the power to trample my neighbours underfoot with volume. I think my housemates would have been less than pleased with any audio drag racing too, although one of them can go choke of a bowl of dicks, I do give a rats ass about the others.

  3. You're suppsoed to try to resolve noise complaints with the neighbours in question before involving the police. Thing is that I am hardly likely to go down and round in my PJs to ask them to turn it down. 1) I'd get cold 2)they wouldn't pay me the slightest heed and 3)They'd probably crank it up more often and louder to deal with "that moany fuck next door".

    I think that I'll stick with what I did, which is put on an audiobook and fall alseep listening to that.

  4. So. 5am.

    And the people in the flat next door are playing music loud enough for me to host a disco of my own. I live a street of old houses, by my guess the wall is 1ft thick at the thin section, 2ft over the rest. Sandstone most likely.

    Anyway. 5am is beyond reasonable acceptable party noise hours. Whats the best way to kill these fuckers and get away with it? I've got sleep to be getting so I can be well rested for a day of procrastination tomo.

  5. i have over 1000 cds that i haven't listened to yet, so it's less of a concern for me :)

    If those were downloaded en masse off oink because of tiny fits of interest thats fine, but if they're actually shiny discs, sitting there unused, thats bad. I could take 50 off your hands for you and let you know what they're like if you want. :D

  6. Garlic and gin. You're not exactly going for a girlfriend these days, are you?

    Any girl who doesn't like garlic bread doesn't merit candidacy. My love life has been a series of unfortunate circumstances over the last year anyway.

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