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High Rollers
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Posts posted by Duggeh

  1. Tyrion has turned into an upstanding guy, and has been added to my list-of-people-i-want-to-meet (you're on that list too, Kevin).

    I get the feeling that if you ever met me you'd glare at me in a burning burning way. Like the way that peat burns in an open fire.

  2. Help which was appreciated, I was not after all, specific about the limitations of my needs. Gives me a piece of gear to read about and drool over doesn't it? :D

    I've looked at the Cambridge players. They are nice, newer than the Quad and sound good (I've heard Milkpowders). The Quad would fit into my rack though, being quite small, the Cambridge is too big. I like the look of the Quad gear too. And it'll match up if I ever go up to the 909 amp.

  3. That looks the shiznitz Spritzer. You really don't do anything by halves do you?

    I really need to move up from the Squeezebox. I've had my permission for my anthropological research project at a doctors surgery this summer denied now on ethical grounds (read: ethical red tape of huge size). So I guess that leaves me with more time to work behind the bar and do a shitty dull project from the workplace instead. Means I can put in more hours though, which means more money. I'd rather be doing the project I wanted though.

  4. I'm the same person on both sites, the thing is that its horses for courses, there is a different atmosphere of context on HF and HC. Those who have met me in person can testify to the fact that I am ranting raving lunatic with a love for very dry, very black, very acerbic humour.

    The context of head-fi (and indeed of the internet in general) means that you have to show restraint, or to tone down that sort of personality otherwise you can end up with the typical thread wars, trolling and animosity. It's also much easier to throw a really bad ball on the internet with that sort of thing than it is in person over a pint. I learned that lesson pretty hard recently when I did my rail against Terry Pratchett.

    HC is pretty close knit, with far less of a stranger danger factor and those who are here, have, mostly, a comparable vein of plain speech. Its therefore if not more suitable, then much safer, to say whatever trips off the tongue (keyboard) at ones whim.

    To draw some kind of analogy, HF is like a high school classroom, you know the majority of the many people in the class and theres a teacher lookign over everything. You can do a lot of productive stuff, and a lot of procrastination, but start throwing open crap about and you'll risk pissing off one of those classmates you don't know so well, or the teacher will stomp on you. HC is like a uni tutorial group. You know the people you're studying with much more closely, theres less of you, and theres a good chance that you'll shoot pool with the tutor after buying them a pint, all the while mocking their choice of tie.

  5. It's a shame I no longer have the gushing PMs of praise from mister Duggeh complimenting my review skills and contributuions to head-Fi. I love how some people have one face on Head-Fi and another over here. Kind of depressing, actually. One of the chief reasons I seldom come here. :(

    You can have my gushing praise about how I enjoy reading your material when a review is like the far better stuff you've written in the past. The PS Audio review just wasn't as good as stuff you've written before, like the three closed portable headphones review.

  6. Whats the longest time that you chaps have run for without any shut eye?

    I'm up to 45 hours now, which is I think, the longest I've gone. I'm now just doing it out of some sort of strange morbid masochist curiousity, my companions are two seasons of charmed I've not yet watched and a 12 pack of Tennants lager, 7 to go.

    I've no class tomo. No deadlines coming (original stay up was for last recent one).

    Should I collapse into bed, its there. Like, 2 feet away. All snug and warm.


    Should I just keep going. In the name of science. Or whatever passes for science these days?

    I'm aware (from reading and such) of what symptoms I might expect (increasing chance of hallucinations, continuing deterioration in my motor control and speach, increasing feelings of being cold and tired limbs.

    Tra lala.

  7. Looks really good! I loved woodwork in highschool craft and design, so much that I dropped a "proper subject" column to take the 6th year practical woodworking class, which was, if im honest, filled with the thick end of the brain pool from the year below. Wasn't that surprising when I finished top of the class (might have been the only person who actually completed every project).

    How much did your little lathe set you back Smeggy?

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