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luvdunhill last won the day on July 16

luvdunhill had the most liked content!

About luvdunhill

  • Birthday 10/23/1978

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  • Gender
    Not Telling


  • Location
    Austin, Texas
  • Occupation
    Security Research

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Super Secret Ultra Gold Member

Super Secret Ultra Gold Member (6/6)



  1. Thanks! Pars, I'm looking for something more like a fiberglass covering. I'd even consider sort of a cool vintage look / pattern.
  2. Thanks! How would you describe the covering, is it more like techflex or more like a fiberglass cloth covering?
  3. I am looking for about 50’ of a really nice wire covering for use in some speaker cables I am building. Maybe a white color in a nice cotton or similar texture. Any suggestions?
  4. Got my new power supply ready for my KG amp collection
  5. Nice! Do you keep it outside uncovered and have a good process to keep moisture and rust away?
  6. I think a AirPod stand would be a ballsy move.
  7. The counter got installed right before I left town! I had a few imperfections here and there that I know because I obsessed about sanding them down and trying again but I ended up leaving well enough alone. I will go back and fix the faucet handles… heh /lazy
  8. It’s pretty noticeable because the second violins don’t play in a way that projects sound into the hall. Go listen to your favorite stereo mix and it will be immediately noticeable as the cellos won’t be in the hard right channel. It creates more “space” for sure in some of the more complex string passages. its pretty traditional for Mahler. I agree. That’s why we just have to end the violence once and for all.
  9. Interesting, do you prefer the Mahler / Vienna orchestra layout with the split violins or the one here? (Do you remember which layout was used back in the day when you heard it)?
  10. No one tells the Tice they can’t lay pipe!
  11. I prefer scat to cat.. but both to cat scat.
  12. Did you at least ask Larry this time?
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