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Posts posted by Grahame

  1. It is important to consult your chums on head case immediately to avoid a rare but potentially serious condition if you experience listening sessions lasting longer than 4 hours.

    Side effects may include, dry mouth, lightened wallet, increased postings.

  2. ^^^

    I think the point is, that if you have a USB DAC that uses a correctly implemented asynchronous mode (the USB Audio standard uses isochronous transfer in one of three modes: synchronous, adaptive, or asynchronous) Then you have removed the timing part of the equation - or made it irrelevant. That just leaves the data part, which for a digital cable can be either working, or broken (fail!), there is no better or worse to it.

    But since when has use of a decent protocol to overcome the limitations of physical medium stopped people from selling unnecessary solutions to people with more money than sense.

    Denon USA | AK-DL1


  3. x2 Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day.

    Second Breakfast? Second breakfast - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    You're not a Hobbit are you? Hobbit - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    "Hobbits are fond of an unadventurous bucolic life of farming, eating, and socializing. They enjoy at least seven meals a day, when they can get them - breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner and, later in the evening, supper."

  4. Stupid question Duggeh...

    I know that you Brits refer to a meal when you say tea, but is it only proper to refer to lunch as tea, or is it the same for dinner?

    Here in the South many people refer to lunch as dinner, and dinner as supper. That quite frankly drives a Northerner like me crazy.

    If I may speak for Duggeh for a moment..

    Who would have thought that the answer to such a simple question as "what do you call a given meal?" could be a social signifier?

    As ever, the internet explains it better than I could.

    Tea, Dinner or Supper

    And for the official BBC take on the matter

    BBC World Service | Learning English | Ask about English

    Best quote from this Yahoo Answer

    What does "Lunch", "Dinner" and "Tea", "Supper" to british? - Yahoo! Answers

    "As with many things in British society, the name you give your midday meal can instantly identify your social origin""

    So Depending on how Duggeh responds, we'll be able to tell if he is U or non-U U and non-U English - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    E.g Is the mid-day meal Lunch, as in "We must do Lunch sometime",

    or Dinner, as in "Dinner Ladies, the catering staff at state schools"

    (Mind you as a Quad owning, St Andrews old boy some would say that he has already given the game away ;) )

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