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Posts posted by nopants

  1. Well, I'm still very happy with my HE-60 and LNS, so I'm not too worried about the new Sennheiser headphones tempting me.  

    On a different note, can the eXStatA kill a headphone if something goes wrong while the phones are plugged into the amp?  I sometimes wonder if I should install the new amp boards in my Hybrid eXStatA to see if it's better than my HEV-70 amp.  I've been sitting on the new parts for a few years, ever since the PSU was rebuilt but killed the Rt channel at the same time - it just wasn't worth it.  Is it still not worth it, i.e. worse than HEV-70 or SRD-7 Pro via ZDT amp?  

    FYI - I've already had two sets of amp boards die about 5 yr ago, both sets stuffed by Wiatrob.  The new ones were stuffed by a head-fi hobbyist, and nobody we all know.

    if they have the kg standard 5.1k resistors on the output it should be fine

  2. wasn't the he90 shitty by design? this looks to be more of the same with even sillier features built into the paired amp

    suffice it to say I'm glad I haven't been holding my breath. this would be a good time for wachara to start selling his clone drivers haha

  3. The original sr-omega pads are brown so the black 007 pads pictured don't really match the original aesthetic, that's all. The brown 007 pads are also easier to adapt for use in the omega. It's not something I considered when I placed the order, so I'm feeling a bit more stupid than normal.

    Of course brown pads would make it sound less dark as well, making them less edgy and rebellious.

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  4. 083317a6815fc727f39be45427c54978.jpg

    maybe I should invest in the brown 007 pads to keep the colors coordinated. I think they're stretchier (aka flimsier) than their black counterparts.

    If it's possible I'd like to get the 009/507 headband working with these too, might be a little more complicated than swapping pads.

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  5. I tried birgir's suggested 009 mod on the SR-Omega and I'm getting tons of mileage out of it. just shove some foam in the back to increase the angle at which the drivers rest against your ear. Maybe it's the foam in the pads but by default they sit a little too close to your ears, similar to the 009.

    This doesn't really help for the 007s, I imagine because the EP007 minimum thickness positions the driver further away despite having a shallower angle

  6. yep I plugged them into the amplifier boards and I was still getting 20+ v. also checked the ground connections and those seem to be ok I'll try to measure it from the package when I get a chance. In the meantime I hooked up a power one supply for the lv section.


    Edit: I got all the voltages to dial in properly, but for some reason all the signal outputs are stuck at +vcc. I can still adjust the balance for some reason. Maybe this is related to the problem I had with the kgsshv where the LV section might have turned on after the HV section. I wired it to manually switch on the HV after the LV and that didn't work. I wonder why I'm having so much trouble this time around

  7. thanks for the tips Kerry, I've been doing that- unfortunately the pads still come off sometimes. As of right now I'm seeing -/+ 17 or 18vdc , I measured it at the outputs of the diode bridge. its only the 7915 that has real problems. 7815 is showing the correct voltages

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