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Posts posted by elnero

  1. Damn boomana, just when I thought my lust for the ESW9's had abated you go and post further, even more positive impressions. I don't know why but these seem like they would really be up my alley. I'll definitely also be interested to hear your thoughts on how it performs with the Pico.

  2. Originally Posted by 3x331m

    Anything can happen, it might happen. Lifetime warranty is a big statement, because if Ray pass the business to his next generation or partners, they will also have to assume the liability.

    Originally Posted by leftnose

    Not necessarily. The definition of a lifetime warranty depends on the UCC of the state in which the transaction took place. Since Ray is in Illinois, I believe the length of a lifetime warranty is up to interpretation based on what the reasonable life of a headphone amp is. What is that? 3 years? 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? Basically, if Ray feels that the amp is beyond its life, he doesn't have to warrant it anymore.

    If he were in California, the lifetime warranty would be 8 years, I think.

    Now, I have dealt with and met Ray and he is a very honest and honorable person and I am sure he will do whatever he can to keep the Predators running for as long as he can.


  3. Thanks for the thoughts on the ESW9's, in many respects they seem like they would be right up my alley but there are a few things that have me wondering as well. As always the only real way for me to tell will be to try them myself which I'm thinking very heavily of doing. From the limited amount I've read the A900LTD or Ti's also seem to be intriguing but those are out of my price range.

  4. I must admit the ESW9's are very intriguing. I've had a hankering for something other than IEM's lately but considering at this point the E500's are still my main headphone I don't want to go spending too much on something else. I tend to prefer an amount of isolation so I gravitate to closed headphones and also considering my amp and DAC will be a Pico I want something that's relatively easy to drive.

    From the cheaper end of the spectrum I tried the K81DJ's, I got a recabled pair with velor pads, but they really didn't seem to be my cup of tea. I've had my eye on the Denon D2000's, they're at the upper end of what I might be able to swing at this point but even after all that's been said about them I'm still unsure if they would be for me or if they would even fit my rather small head. Now I see these ESW9's and my woodie fetish has me all worked up. :P From the initial reports I didn't think they'd suit my tastes but after reading more I'm not so sure.

    I've got a really varied palette when it comes to headphones, my favorites thus far have been the E500's, RS-1's (with flats) and W100's. The HD580, 600 and 650's I've ever only been lukewarm on, the W1000's I didn't care for too much, too cold and sterile for my liking. K701's I've only heard at a meet and again was just lukewarm on them. Ditto for GS1000's, I only heard those briefly at a meet but instead of being lukewarm it was more of a WTF was that supposed to be impression. I find I'm particular sensitive to sibilance and treble so I've always really liked a warm, full-bodied, tonally rich sound. I'm a bit of a bass head, but prefer it to have decent weight and speed. PRaT is important but sometimes it doesn't go hand in hand with my other preferences.

    Back to the ESW9's. :P From the pics these things just scream comfort, as I mentioned I've got a small head, one of the issues I had with the W100's was they always seemed too big and I ended up fiddling with them all the time trying to get them to fit right but the ESW9's look not only like that wouldn't be a problem but they look luxurious. For those of you that have heard them can you say which end of the AT spectrum they lie in? Do they lean more towards the warmer W100's or colder W1000's? So far from the descriptions it seems like they're more towards the W100's but I'd just like to be sure. If that's the case can anyone give a comparison? They've been getting high praise for a portable headphone but the begs the question, how far off are they from being in the league of other full-sized headphones that are considered home based headphones?

  5. I don't think I said that. The only meet that he attended was a Tampa mini meet that Ray did not attend.

    I believe Vicki is right on this one. He was at Matt's Tampa Mini Meet but I don't believe he was not at any Florida Meet that I attended and the only I missed was before I joined HF.

    It's the use of the double negative that's confusing, it makes it sound like you believe he was there. I'm sure that's not how you meant it to sound though, but you never know, you are a lawyer after all. ;) J/K :P
  6. What, what a ripoff. When these were selling NOS for $100 a few years ago on head-fi they were not worth it then. I would rather listen to a shuffle. Certainly this does not compare to classics such as d303, d515, d555 etc.


    I don't think they were even selling for that much, if I remember correctly I paid under $100 CND after shipping, taxes, etc.
  7. Sure. If I were using the E500 for home use, then it would make more sense to use better sources and amplifiers. I just don't get how people can lug around an iMod sheathed in a thick protective case with portable Vcap dock and an amp and call that portable.

    I think what some consider portable is what they take to work with them, it's not so much about the travel time but about what they use in the work rig. Most work environments aren't conducive to leaving your gear there all the time therefore it must be transported back and forth, hence portable.
  8. It's seriously pointless amping the E500 for sound quality gains unless forced to do so because you're using a line-out. The increase in bulk + low performance/price ratio = highly undesirable. My 2 cents (pennies).

    I think that's totally subjective, I'd agree, I wouldn't add an amp for portable (walking around) but the E500's are my main headphone and they do get significantly better when used with high quality associated equipment. Adding a decent source and/or decent amp can have very beneficial effects on the E500's IMO of course.
  9. new Macs have an out of box solution for this, as they come with a remote control ;)

    Yeah I know, I've got a new iMac at work. :) We just picked up a refurbished HP for home use recently though so we won't be buying a whole new machine for awhile which is why I'm hoping I can add something on. I'm kicking myself in the ass now for not spending a bit more and buying a laptop like I originally intended, at the time though the HP seemed the more logical solution.
  10. @ elnero: unfortunately, even though i'm a pretty technical guy, i don't have experience with recabling. plus, i'm trying to go for an around the ear solution rather than on ear for more isolation. what do you think about the isolation of the k81dj?

    I'm an IEM guy so the isolation wasn't what I'm used. To be honest I only played with them for a couple hours one evening right after I got them, they've been boxed up awaiting a new owner ever since. From what I remember isolation wouldn't be at the level of something like the Senn HD280's but still far better than an open phone.

    If you do change your mind and think you'd be interested I have a friend that I could send them to first that should be able to fix the cable and then send it on.

  11. Of course, if you were also interested in a small portable amp that also had a dac for when you wanted to use it with a computer, you could up your budget and get a pico >:D

    Even if he didn't want the DAC he could still get a Pico and he would be within his budget. ;)
  12. Jeremy,

    I have a pair of Warrior05 recabled K81dj's with both velour and stock pads that I'll let go for a good price. The only problem with them is the heatshrink at the cup end of the cables let go when I was trying to swap pads. I've fixed it with black electrical tape which may be sufficient but it shouldn't be a hard fix for either Warrior05 or someone else who has a bit of experience with cables. Let me know if you're interested.

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