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Everything posted by archosman

  1. You know for the money I think I'm going to just go ahead any buy another one after Christmas. At least I'd get a brand new one instead of a refurb...
  2. Nope. Got it when they first came out. What I've been told by Gamestop is they will most likely send me a new one instead of repairing the old one. I'll lose everything on the drive, but that's not the end of the world. I did pull the drive out and try to save the data, but evidently it's some sort of proprietary format. My Mac wouldn't read it. Wonder if I should try the Windows side of my machine. Also found out the system can't share drives with one another. Other bad thing is mine has the hardware emulation chips in it instead of the newer software emulation for older PS2 games. You can't get the hardware one anymore. Starting to miss it since I've been picking up more Blu-Rays.
  3. Looks like I'll have to send it off to Sony for $150. Probably won't do it for awhile since I also have to pay for an AVID training class. That's gonna cost $1500 out of my own pocket.
  4. Damn... I need some eye-bleach quick. Ahh... that's better.
  5. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3tG1X5ewAg]YouTube - Ivan Ml
  6. If memory serves Yellowcake is one of the early steps in making fuel for nuclear reactors. I believe you have to run it through gaseous diffusion or in a gas centrifuge to produce enriched uranium That was one of the problems with Chernobyl. It was designed for power and weapons grade manufacturing, which is why there was no containment building around the reactor. Had to have room for that big crane in there. Boom...
  7. [ame= - Ken Block Gymkhana Practice[/ame]
  8. Was in the middle of GTA4 and it froze up and shut down. Now when I try and turn it on it stays on for 3 seconds then shuts down and beeps 3 times. The light flashes red as well. Anyone know if this can be fixed or is it going to be a trip to Sony? I've got one of the early 80 gig ones that has the hardware emulation for older Playstation games.
  9. That last one is hilarious!
  10. He was also responsible for gutting the military which meant when 9/11 happened we weren't exactly up to strength.
  11. On another note... Yesterday I went up to Fort Campbell to the Don F. Pratt Museum... specifically to get a shot of the "Davy Crockett" they had on display. There were only about 6 of them made and they happen to have one in their collection. I was surprised how easy it is to get on the base. Just had to show Driver's license, proof of insurance, and vehicle registration. It wasn't exactly what I expected for a military base. Then again I didn't go prancing all over the facility either. On of the soldiers there noticed my 40D and apologized for the poor lighting in the museum . Most of the displays were quite dim and it also was a pain trying to shoot with a flash. He and one other guy were talking about Tuesday's election. I could tell they weren't happy with the outcome. However one of them did say this... "I didn't vote for him, but he's going to be the Commander-In-Chief, I take orders from him, and I will do that to the best of my ability. So I guess the point is he's willing to work with what we got. I've got a shitload of reservations about him, but we'll have to see what happens after he's in office for a year. Oh yeah... here's a shot of the Crockett and a little summary of what it is!
  12. Um, then you should take that up with Brantley Hargrove... as I clearly stated in the first line of my post.
  13. Read this today on the Nashville Scene... It's tempting right now to say President Bush will go down as one of the worst presidents ever to dis-grace the White House. But is that fair, or even accurate? Historian renderings of a legacy are often at odds with fluctuating public opinion polls that gauge the heat of the moment. Take Truman. The man had a 22 percent approval rating toward the end of his presidency--due in large part to a highly unpopular Korean War--yet he's among the most popular presidents in history. I'm going to play the devil's advocate and argue that it is at least in the realm of possibility that history will not lambaste Bush as the fool he's so widely assumed to be. I'll do this because it's useful, because W's reign is nearly at end, and because it might be kinda fun. Look at what he walked into: 9/11. A presidency in its infancy presided over the most devastating foreign attack on domestic soil in this country's history and suddenly became a war-time presidency. In the wake of the attacks, Bush enjoyed a 90 percent approval rating. An ABC News/Washington Post poll showed 62 percent of Americans cheerleading the invasion into Iraq. The Senate and the House both approved resolutions for the invasion with wide margins. It proved a costly blunder. But besides the fact that occupations are costly and often doomed to failure, we have learned that the American people rode a wave of emotion into Baghdad, but had neither the tolerance nor the fortitude for the prolonged conflict it would require. If nothing else, Bush has shown massive cajones in pushing through a hugely unpopular surge that's proven incredibly successful. Whether by blind luck or through the vigilance of the Homeland Security Administration and reorganized intelligence services, we haven't seen another terrorist attack even as they continue to erupt across the globe. In that regard, it's not a huge stretch to say he's not unlike Truman, who developed the NSA, CIA and Department of Defense. So that's my devil's advocation. Will Bush remain the punchline in history-book perpetuity, or will our collective derision soften as hindsight brings into clearer focus the narrative of his dual-term presidency?
  14. Only history will tell. I think in the long run he'll come out way better than expected.
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