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Everything posted by archosman

  1. LiveLeak.com - Living Stereo (The advent of Stereo sound)
  2. That's funny... Having someone goof off in the background of your remote is not. Back during Bush Jr.'s first election we ended up having to hire people to keep an eye on our feed/camera/audio cables on our truck to make sure no one tried to cut them. Fun times...
  3. Wow... what prompted that?
  4. Lemmie know where you work and I'll come by and fuck with you while others are trying to work. I've been on a few remotes and fortunately nothing like that has ever happened. We always made sure we had people to keep the background clear.
  5. Hmm... Livewires isn't too far from me in Tennessee. May have to get some impressions made.
  6. I've got a small Apple wireless that I take with me on gigs. I usually plug into the local network and I can get out on the network, plus set up the wireless so that anyone else on a mac can leech off. At home I come out of the cable modem directly into my ethernet port. I've noticed that when I plug in the Airport Express my dowload times and browser refresh rates are much faster off of the Express than being directly plugged in. Shouldn't it be faster directly plugged in to the modem? Do I need a different ethernet cable perhaps? Just curious. I've had no issues with the hardware on my Macbook Pro...
  7. Fun With Post-Its! From the guys who brought you Diet Coke & Mentos. - FileCabi.net
  8. LiveLeak.com - Shattering Wine Glass in Slow Motion...cool
  9. Bureau of Standards: 1925
  10. Oh... my... god! snopes.com: Charlton Heston's Gun Collection
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