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Everything posted by boomana

  1. Ya gotta keep up with him. He's moved on to his next thing: new speakers (not yet purchased). I know he likes the Cosecant a lot. He's bringing it back to Florida for us to hear. He was, though again ya gotta keep up with him so hard to tell, talking about keeping the Cosecant in the bedroom, and getting a Crimson for whatever room he's talking about now. I sure miss having him around. Dan, did you just pick up mikeg's almost brand new recabled K701s and Yamamoto? If so, he's sold off ALL his headphones in the last few months: HE90s, R10s, and now these. He loves his new speakers! I guess he's keeping his Yuin PK1s
  2. I'm going to hear the Cosecant in a couple weeks. Look forward to that.
  3. Well, maybe I can trade my Diablo, if I ever get it, for one of those. Ya never know.
  4. I was never a HE90 fan, though I admit they're great headphones. The first time I heard them was at my first meet. I didn't know they were supposed to be anything special. I'd never heard of them before. I was using a CD I know well since I'd been present at all the recording sessions and was part of the mixing and mastering process (lots of headphone listening). All these people were standing around me waiting for my wow reaction (which I didn't know I was supposed to give), and I kept saying, "There's something missing. This doesn't sound right." People chalked it up to me being a deaf newbie, but my opinion has never changed. At the Tampa meet, I prefered Thrice's now sold woodied Lambda Pros to the HE 90s on the same rig, and would have bought them on the spot if I knew he was going to sell them...okay, and if I'd had any money, which I didn't. I've been lurking in that Stax thread for over a year now. One day....
  5. Well, can't say much actual sweating went on, nor baby making practice. We were eleven years old! This was back in 1970, when Home Ec was still geared toward grooming girls to be housewives. We learned to cook and sew and take stains out of clothes, not that I showed talent in any of those areas. I actually liked metal shop, which they also had in middle school in those days, but the powers that be pulled me out of that class so I can finally impart the widsom learned here in this thread. I knew there had to be some reason. \
  6. Yep, but use a drop of a very mild soap as well and it should be fine.
  7. Yep. Salt stains. Learned that in Home Economics in 6th grade. At least it should be easy to clean.
  8. Dang it. I should get out my sewing machine and make cute little portable amp purses. You can get all your wives and girlfriends into the hobby that way.
  9. Maybe someone could make me one of these. I hear vintage bags are in this season!
  10. Ignoring comment about masturbating with headphones. Looks like dried sweat to me. Clean that off pronto!
  11. But would definitely not fit in my purse.
  12. Well, I do like my PRII best so far, but that tank doesn't fit in my purse very well...my very reason for buying the Diablo. Yeah, but I'm not too sure about the blue lights on top. They look like little eyes and might scare me in the night.
  13. But that's precisely what I'm looking for...uh...minus the wank factor...I like gear, but not in that way \
  14. Sonny-boy is trying to wound his mama.
  15. I think the first group buy started over two years ago and was supposed to be for 10, then it was expanded to 20, then it became 50 about a year or so ago when I got in. There was always the promise of "after this one little problem gets sorted out in the next couple weeks, they'll be ready." I think they stopped taking orders about 6 months ago, so there is a range of wait times. No one has yet received a Diablo, and though there are now pics, the promises haven't changed. A couple weeks ago, it was bad buffers from China. Now it's "as soon as the replacement chips are in." Whether any of it is true or not, all I know is that it better sound damn good.
  16. After mucho waiting and waiting, it appears that Larry at LaRocco may...I say with hesitation...may be actually readying to ship. The latest word is that "some" amps will be shipping this week with the rest soon to follow. There were supposedly 50 in the original group buy, and according to Duncan (Larry's still not talking), there are 100 ready to go. Anyway, after all this waiting, this is all I've got to go on, so here are the lastest pics/teases swiped from a post at ipastudio: All non-alignment critical parts are assembled prior to final chassis assembly on the PCB. The final aligned control and interface components are installed in the chassis, tested, documented and shipped. Every Chassis part is machined, Block finished by hand and anodized. The Diablo chassis is more than just an enclosure to house the goodies. It is designed to be an armoured enclosure against outside forces that can cause damage to critical circuitry and controls. Everything is tucked into and against the superstructure to shrink the footprint and limit exposure to shock or impact damage. The Diablo is covered under a 6 month Parts and Labor Warranty. All internal controls are sealed epoxy types and all discrete components and IC's are housed in a machined pocket under the PCB. Included AC Charger not in Photo
  17. boomana

    Westone 3

    Maybe Westone and LaRocco can get together and bundle their vaporware, bringing in new buyers.
  18. Uh, somehow your desciption is not inspiring me to check it out. I know, which is why I haven't yet gone down that road...but still...
  19. jp has told me wonderful things about your Reimyo. Even used, that's a little above my budget for now. Maybe I should just stop buying headphones (I'm pretty done here unless Senn comes out with a beauty) and pounds of music (yeah, I know, I could download and am an Oink member, but I like having the CD), and I could probably swing it in a few months. But, after reading Nate's questions, and seeing your post, I guess the deal is that I should really wait until I can make a huge improvement, rather than an incremental one. I really think my system is about as good as it gets in my price range, considering my tastes, and there is no weak leak (all about equal), except I do need a small sub for my speakers (Cain & Cain Abbys). I love vinyl, and in the 80s through mid 90s had a pretty intense set up, including about 10,000 albums, with a listening room and a separate room for music storage (my ex was/is a producer, and also does the music for SNL). One small..er...big fire and...poof...nada mas. The whole reason I got into headphones was I couldn't afford to start off building a speaker/vinyl rig that came close to what I had lost (still can't), and headphones offered better sq quality at the prices I could afford back then. Maybe it's time to explore going vinyl again, and I think I can, like with my speakers, get decent enough sound on my modest budget to make me happy. ...or maybe I should just get a new car...I do need a new car...ugh.
  20. Because I am the way I am, I'm considering upgrading my source, but am not sure. Right now, I'm using an Exemplar modded Denon 2900 as my main source, which I like as much as any I've heard for redbook in a price range that's feasible ($3000-5000). Both the Esoteric DV50 and SA10 beat it out for SACDs imo, but I don't have too many, and probably won't get too many more. I could go the route of the Transporter and the like, but so far, I've only heard the Transporter, which I thought was good, but not good enough to spend my money on. So here's the question: Since I think my redbook player is damn good, would it be worth upgrading now, and if so, what direction to explore? Or, should I just save my money, keep the Denon, and start saving for a vinyl rig? I'm more or less in daydreaming phase right now, but just to toss it out there, I am not a fan of Rega or Naim sound so far. I do like the Ayre sound, and have respect for what I've heard so far with the Accuphase players I've heard, and have noncommittal attitudes toward Meridian, Wadia and Esoteric, as I'd need much more listening time to form an opinion. I also am curious about the higher Lector models, as my little cheapy is pretty impressive. That's about my experience, and I know little about sources in general, only what I've heard first hand. What sayz youz?
  21. Hah! Maybe I'm one, for Pabbi, whose opinion has always been the opposite of what he thinks, so in effect, I did give him a recommendation. I didn't like the Equation Audio headphones either (the RP-22X), though though they were okay for the money, and he seems to like them as well. So Pabbi, enjoy your headphones. Many people do, though I sure as hell don't know why. I'm still interested in hearing a stock pair to see if that recable really made a difference, specifically in how I experienced the mids as I've seen zero reports that mentioned what I heard, but then again, why bother. If you need more recs, I hated the Shure 210 and 310s, didn't like the Proline 2500s, am not an MS1 fan, and can't stand the DT880s (they kill my ears). As far as decent closed headphones go, I was hoping the D2000s would do it for me. I still think the fugly CD3000s are far better headphones than either the D5000 or D2000, even if I have trouble with the treble. You seem to handle yourself quite well all on your own. As for ME buying YOU headphones, I've seen your stash! I think sonny-boy should send a few to momma, and Uncle Earl should cough up donations to both of us!
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