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Posts posted by Torpedo

  1. Maybe it is just me, but the only time I use the SE530s are when I'm in the gym. I thought that for what they cost, they should be at least durable enough for that.

    Maybe it's your sweat damaging the wire sheath. I knew a man whose sweat corroded the paper clips he touched with his fingers a few days after doing so. It was so "strong" that mosquitoes never bit him unless he was just coming out from water. Fortunately it wasn't fetid hehehehe.

  2. You put a lot of courage to save your dog Luis, my sincere admiration. Keep us posted, I wish your apartment wasn't among those 50 and you still have your belongings awaiting you there. Otherwise, no worries mate, they're just things and although some might be irreplaceable, you and yours are safe ;)

  3. I'll send it in one more time since I'm still under warranty. But once it runs out in February, I think I'm going to get something else.

    This looks like a user-IEM incompatibility issue. I have three mates using those same IEMs and none had the slightest problem :rolleyes: However I'd get something else anyway hahaha ;)

  4. ...

    Vicki it is.

    Very cool indeed. I imagined her being a bit older, probably for her mature posts :D How good is she on the guitar? hehehe.

    Damn, those comments about the Blue Circle are starting to raise my curiosity. I hate you all :P Would anybody having listened to it paired with the R10 care to comment a bit in deep about the results? Is it "pratty", warm, analytical, tonally correct, spacious...? Tried other phones with it?

  5. Ah, Ovations are crap. The still have a wood top, though, don't they?

    Yep. I guess if that's to make them looking better when you're on stage. Not sure how much the top material influences the final sound.

    LOL@Nate. To each one his own I guess. There's "some" people willing to spend big bucks in top performance headphones. I haven't listened to the D7000 nor the fully recabled, recupped, balanced and modded D5000, so I can't offer an opinion about them. My basic modded D5000 have some potential, but I wouldn't be spending much more on them to see how far they can get. They still would have an excessive bass, and I already have quite good cans with excessive bass :rolleyes:

  6. Nate, for your figures on the recabling job, that's a 40% gross benefit from the retail price, which by no means is excessive for any kind of business. Before I started working in my present job, I worked for an import company in Spain that traded with health products. Their gross benefit on retail price was about 50-60% depending on the buyer and payment method.

    In any case I wouldn't call that 40% a rape or a scam. Perhaps it's an excessive profit from any DIYer's perspective, but maybe not that much if he's really trying to make of his company a profitable business.

    Is there any connection in between Mark and ALO? I know you dislike ALO too, and I can guess why, but to be honest, it's none of my business. I have my own ideas about wires, none of them is spending on the cables more than in the device they will hook up.

    Regarding the plastic guitar, you'll probably have heard some Ovation guitars. Their tone is quite distinctive and different from any full wood body ones. I prefer a Martin ;)

  7. Something about it breaking at a joint or sleeving breaking out or something. It was a while back and I really didn't care about the Denons after what I read so I stopped paying attention, but it could have been just the D2000.

    The main quality issue with the D5000 is the piece holding the yoke to the headband which tends to break and letting the cup-yoke unit to fall. Fortunately I haven't had this problem. Also the units out the first production runs had the lettering easily erased, but that seems to be improved.

    The stock cable is quite good, a bit stiff and hard to route, but looks solid. The plug, besides it's a 1/8" with a 1/4" threaded adapter, is well built and holds firmly into the jacks. Soundwise, as everything, it's arguable. I don't think you can get much improvement by recabling them whatever the wire you use, but YMMV.

    Regarding Mark and his business venture... I think that the guy honestly noticed the D5000's potential and did his best to improve the flaws he noticed, which I concur exist.

    I got a "basic" modded pair from him for three reasons

    - I listened the stock D5000 and found their bass kind of "overexcited", with too much decay, energy and poor tone. If the mods could improve that, why not?

    - So I wanted the mods done by the person who has more experience and had tweaked them to death. This sounded more sensible than wasting my time to find the correct amount of everything to get the sound right.

    - The D5000 in Spain/Europe were very expensive (still are) so ordering the D5000 to Amazon USA, having them sent to Mark to make the mods and then shipped to me, was more or less the same price than buying them stock here, specially considering the USA/euro ratio was very favorable to me.

    I think that many people started to show interest asking him to mod their pairs, so he clearly saw a business potential he's now getting some profit from. You may dislike the guy, his taste in sound or whatever, but I wouldn't say he's a scammer or that he's getting a huge profit from his mods. Those Jena wires are very expensive. I don't care much about their performance, and I dislike their looks, however if he and other people find it a worth improvement, I don't see why the recabling service shouldn't be offered. Also I'm sure some balanced nuts believe that balancing the cans would do some good. I don't think so, but who knows.

    Anyway, I don't get the whole of the criticism to Mark, but maybe this comes from the old times when I didn't use to frequent HF.

  8. To really have a serious problem from the interaction of an external magnet and an implantable pacemaker or defibrillator you need the magnet power of the ones in the Apogee speakers, which are well above most dynamic speakers, so let alone tiny earphones :palm: I know it well, a friend of mine has one of those defib implanted and the only speakers which gave problems were his Apogees Duetta when he was holding them to change placement into the room. He finally sold the speakers, but he's a regular user of others and cans. Never a problem.

    One thing is "can be affected" and a very different one is having interaction to cause failure or malfunction, which should be the point instead of causing all this stupid public alarm. Cell phones can interact, MW ovens can interact... almost anything producing a EM or magnetic field can interact with a PM or DF. Fortunately not enough to cause malfunction, otherwise PM users should live in the countryside very away from any electrical or magnetic device :rolleyes:

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